Chapter thirty four - Too kind...

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As Ellie came back out, Abi moved over and offered the place beside her. She was watching some sort of anime with subtitles where a fish turned into a little girl.

'You hungry?' She whispered.

'A bit...'

'We've got chocolate biscuits ~or yoghurt.'


'Okay!' She turned off the tablet and climbed off the bed.

Ellie followed her.

'Oh no.' Abi said as she saw the packet of biscuits. 'Olivia did say that she couldn't find the ones I like but these are BIO!'

'And that's bad?'

'Yes! It's got frikin' porridge in it!' She gestured at the picture on the package. 'Hh... Alright, I'll try it, but only because I'm too hungry to skip breakfast right now.' She started opening it.

Ellie quietly sat down to the table. Something soft brushed past her leg and made her look down. Sefi! She stroked her soft black fur.

'Okay. Let's wash our hands first. Who knows where this little rascal's been.' She stroked Sherry's head and walked to the bathroom.

'Ok!' Ellie quickly followed her, and eyed the two sleeping figures along the way.

After breakfast they set out to do the laundry. The sleepers were still sleeping and there was no sign of Celeste.

'Which school does Celeste go to?' Ellie asked the moment before she realised that she didn't know any of the local schools.

Abigail was pushing the coins into the wash machine. 'J & K's Community College. It's an hour from here, that's why she has to get up so early and take the bus.'

So she already left.

'Now then,' she stood up straight, 'how about we get slushies and once this is finished we'll find something nicer for you to wear tonight? Sure your dress is cute but it's a bit... simple.'

'Buy a new dress? It would be weird and embarrassing if I put on something flashy and besides, I don't have any money.'

'Come ~on, it'll be fun! I'll pay, it was my idea in the first place.' She checked her phone.

'I don't know... I'd feel bad letting you pay for me...'

'Don't. There are plenty of easy jobs here that people just don't want to do. They are the ones that pay the most. I can hand a few hundred less on my account.'

'A few hundred definitely not but if you want it that bad I'll come along.'

As promised they had slushies and once the machine was done they carried the laundry basket (though it was more like a box) back to the apartment.

'No dryer?'

'Nope! These are the newest models, they've got a drying system built in.'

By then, the other two had also woken up. Tina had taken a shower and was as fresh as can be, on the other hand, Debi was sprawled out on the cold bathroom floor.

'This isn't fair~...' Came the slightly echoed moan from the bathroom. 'How come you're alright?'

Abi was putting the clothes into the closet and Ellie stood beside her awkwardly.

'Two reasons,' Tina answered, 'sports and lots of water, oh, and if you mix all sorts of drinks you gotta be ready for the consequences.'

Debi moaned in answer.

'So,' she crossed her arms and laid back, 'what're you two planning to do today?'

'Shopping. You?'

'Shopping sounds fun, can I join? Or is this something I'm not meant to be part of?'

'It's fine, you can come.'

'Great! We haven't had a girls day out for such a long time. Hey, Debi! You should come too!'

Debi moaned. 'I'd really rather stay here. The floor's nice and co~ld.'

'Aww, come on, you're missing out!'


'So, where are we off to first?'

'Somewhere cheap I hope.' Ellie glanced at Abi.

'Well, alright. Let's check out the second hand clothes shop first, if we're lucky we'll find some designer brands.'


My hands are cold. Celeste sat on the bus, staring at the ever changing landscape. No. Sending energy to my middle would just make me hear them. But how about my shoulders? That's interesting, the energy automatically spreads down my arms and into my fingers. How about my legs? Same effect. My head? Other than the tingling I don't feel any change. Ow. I guess holding my hands together was a bad idea. The energies directions clash and that hurts.


'Oo! Try this one on too!' Tina threw the red and yellow frilly dress up onto the side of the changing cabin.

'She's not going to a parade.' Abi said as she looked through the dresses two rows over.

Ellie peeked out wearing the dark blue one that Abi had found. 'This ones too big...'

'Aw, that's a pity, the jewels matched your eyes.'

The red and yellow dress was the right size but...

'Pff, hahaha!' Ellie pushed the curtain back.

'Come on, don't laugh.' Tina turned around. 'Oh- hehe.'

'You look like a chicken! Hahaha!' Abi was having trouble standing.

A black dress...

'No, you're not going to a funeral.'

A cream coloured frilly dress...

'Haha, this isn't your funeral either!'

A neon pink dress...

'What are you? A candy?' Abi was on the floor by now.

'No, no, I like this one.' Tina giggled.

'You wanna try it on?' Ellie raised her eyebrows and smiled.

'No I don't- it wouldn't fit me!'

'Really? I think I saw another one back there.' Abi added

Tina gave in and laughed. 'Ok, ok, I get it, you win. No neon colours.'

A white one with silk roses...

'Nope! Too see through.'


'The cut's wa~y too low.'

And finally- a short sleeved white dress with light blue coming into it from the bottom.

'I like this one.' Ellie twirled around.

'I found that one!' Tina said proudly.

'Does it fit alright ? Not tight anywhere?'


'Great!' Abi sighed.

'You're so pretty.' Tina walked around her. 'Now let's find some matching shoes and something for your hair.'

'Ohh, I'm tired.' Ellie half whined.

'Come on, we're doing this for you.'

'But you don't have to. I'd really be fine just wearing-'

'Shh! We want to do this for you.'

Ellie paused, a strange feel of fear bubbled up in her. 'Why?'

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