Chapter sixteen - The River

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The tents were made of large sheets of leather and long wooden pillars.

The leather was folded around the pillars and carried by the men at the front.

Behind the men, the children carried the food and clothes and, at the end of the progression, the women carried the infants and other leftover possessions, like stools, blankets and pillows.

Each of the kids got a leather rucksack in which to carry their load.

I wonder where we're going... 'Hey Tony, you sure we're not moving because of me? You know... The wolf thing...'

'Don't worry, it was about time to move anyway.'

'The chief said we'll be going past the river.' Lucy said excitedly.

'Why are you so excited about this?' Manfred asked her with a concerned expression.

'No reason...' She smiled smugly.

She's definitely up to something...

'Ok...' Manfred answered. 'I am genuinely scared now...'

'Miss?' A little kid came over to Ellie. 'Are you gonna stay with us now?' He asked hopefully.

'Er... I don't know...'

'I wanted to talk to you about that actually.'

Ellie was startled to find that the Chief was right behind them.

He had been changing his position since they began the journey, making sure that everyone was ok.

'I personally have nothing against you staying with us, in fact I think you would be a valuable member of our tribe...'

'But...?' Lucy prompted.

'But if you want to learn more about the world, and yourself, you need to keep moving and experience different situations for yourself. It would also strengthen your abilities.'

'Abilities?' Ellie asked.

'I'm sure you already know, but perhaps you haven't discovered that it's an ability yet. Maybe it would be better to call it a talent.'

Ellie raised an eyebrow. Abilities? Talents? What's he talking about?

'I mean your ability to sense and communicate with spirits.'

...That's an ability? 'But... What about when in movies or books and stuff the characters have a bad feeling when they go into a haunted house or a cemetery or someplace... Isn't that the same?'

The chief shook his head. 'If someone moved into a new house and the neighbors told him it was haunted, he would automatically fear living there. If no-one told him it was haunted, he wouldn't be scared of living there. It's all a matter of human propaganda.' He paused while Ellie thought it through. 'Ellie, did you know that humans are the only creatures on the planet that fear what isn't there? They fear what might come. The human mind is incredibly complicated, and I think that continuing your journey would benefit your learning in such areas.'

Ellie thought everything through carefully. '...So "normal people" don't even know what they're scared of?'


'But then why are they scared?'

'That's...' He sighed, 'That's exactly why I said you should keep going, you want to learn and progress. The questions you need answered are... not easily answered... Of course, it's your choice whether you want to stay with us or go, you can change your mind anytime.'

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