Chapter seven - Youth club

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Two o'clock.

Conan was sitting on a folding chair beside Kal in a circle of a few more than 20 other kids between the ages 6 to 18.

There was an older girl too, according to Kal she was called Debi. She was the... ?

'Hello everyone, I see we have a new participant today. Would you please introduce yourself?'

Conan stood up, way too conscious of everyone around him.

'I'm Conan, I'm eleven...err' What else is there to tell?

'What's your favourite food or movie or book?'

'Er I think my favourite food would be chinese.' He glanced at Kal.

'My favourite movie... I'm not sure... Maybe Balto, and I don't have a favourite book.' Not all that into reading.

'Now let's all introduce ourselves. Kal, you start.'

After the introductions and a round of UNO they were allowed to move around the room, play, chat and take biscuits and drinks from the table at the side of the room.

'So? How'd you like the club?' Kal asked.

'Well, I pretty much forgot everyone's names as soon as they finished introducing themselves.'

Two boys came over. They seemed to be slightly younger than them.

'Er... We- We wanted to ask if you guys want to play football after this.'

Conan looked at Kal.

Kal answered, 'Well... We don't have anything to do until five so-'

'Hey there!' A girl's voice cut him off.

A group of four girls had come over, two younger and two older. The younger older one was talking. 'I'm Hinata. This is Tina.' She gestured to the girl older than her.


'And that's Abi and Celeste.'

Abigail Waved and Celeste smiled politely before returning her gaze to the floor.

Kal slapped his forehead. 'Damn it! I forgot about that. We're gonna have to postpone that football game guys. Sorry.'

He turned to Conan to explain. 'Hinata's a tailor. You can't take part in any... Em... "Harder" jobs without a mask. It seems we'll have to get that done with now.'

He looked at Hinata with disdain, to which she smiled at him in an evil looking way.

'I'll need to take measurements if that's ok with you?' She said, taking out a measuring tape from her pocket.


'Abi, could you take notes for me please?'

'Sure.' She took out a notebook and pencil.

'So, do you have any ideas on what style mask you want?' She asked while wrapping the tape around his head in seemingly random angles and listing numbers.

What style? 'No.'

'Then what's your codename? Maybe we could work with that.'

'Em, K9...'

'Canine?' She smiled.

'Pff, it actually makes sense if you think about it.' said Kal.

Does he mean from 'Conan' or last night's story?

'So it'll have to have dog traits... I think I can do that. I'm finished with the measurements so it'll be ready in, depending on how much free time I have, about two days.'

Barcrow's: Codename K9Where stories live. Discover now