Chapter ten - The Journey

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Knock, knock!

Fred opened the door for Stefan.

The boys were playing chess on Conan's bed.

'Steve! It's good to see you.'

Wait wasn't he one of the guys who brought me here?

'It's good to see you too Freddy.' He smiled a crooked smile.

He almost seems to have a permanently bored expression.

'Are the kids ready?'

Kal quickly put all the chess figures into the board, folded it and slipped it into his bag. 'Yep!'

Well, someone's excited...

'Alright then, it'll be a long trip so I suggest you both go to the toilet one last time before we leave.'

How could I possibly have missed the size of this place? It's huge!

They walked past cars and vehicles of all shapes, colours and sizes.

'Here we are!' Stefan stopped beside an old wreck of a car. It was rusty but it seemed to function alright.

'Buckle your seat belts. Oh, and before we go, here.' He threw two files back to them. 'Learn those. There your "background histories", and also some other things like your personalities, actions and way of speech. Phrases you'll have to learn.' He paused. 'Alright then off we go.' He reversed at a dangerous speed which made both Kal and Conan hold onto their seats.

He did that on purpose! Ah, never mind, let's see those files. Hmm... Ronald Backer?

'That's mine.' Kal took the file and gave him the one he'd just opened.

'Thanks Ron.' He smiled

'Ha ha very funny Peter.' Kal replied sarcastically.

Conan opened his file.

Name: Peter Phantomhive

Age: 13

Wait, thirteen? Alright...? We don't really look all that similar, and I doubt I need to know his height and weight. The manor looks gigantic I hope I've got a map too

He flipped through the pages.

There it is... Come on! Is this seriously why I had to learn how to read blueprints!? Okay, okay I'll look through it later. First some history.

Born and raised at Phantomhive manor. Next heir to the manor and title of earl.

Well Steve said it'll be a long journey so I think I'll skip to the more interesting parts.

Recent happenings: Lily Francesca Holmes, Peter's fiancée, died in an accident. Many noble families have been invited to the upcoming ball in an effort to find a replacement for Lily but Peter refuses to attend.

So that's why it's so important! Though I'm not sure I like the idea of replacing someone to find him a replacement for his bride. That's just, I don't know, not normal?

'What does yours say?' He asked Kal.

'Um, I was sold to the Phantohives at a young age and although I respect them and I'm thankful that they took me in I don't always speak well of them.' He paused and smiled 'That's good I guess, I'll be able to speak about you snobs freely.'

'Oh great.' Conan rolled his eyes dramatically.

After discussing and learning their roles, asking each other trick questions about themselves, three toilet breaks, playing with the blueprints and quite a few games of chess, snakes and ladders, I spy and tic tac toe they fell quiet. A few more minutes and they were both asleep.

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