Chapter thirty three - Thoughts...

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Ellie opened her eyes in the dark. Sure she was tired but so much had happened that day, she couldn't sleep.

Was all that really today? It felt longer, like weeks. What had happened? I woke up this morning and met Zack and Ben. Then Zack brought me here. We went to the mission or whatever (that was dangerous) where I met Luna, or rather, Celeste and found out that "Conan", or K-9 or whatever, really is my brother, then Ben is too. I pretty much had my past explained to me by someone I barely know.

She seems trustworthy but... I don't know... there's something about her that doesn't feel quite right. Abi seems fun and cheerful but as I found out, even she has stuff she'd rather not talk about. Wonder what that was anyway, why she didn't tell me the answer to such a... normal (?) question. Maybe she just doesn't trust me.

And what am I gonna do tomorrow? I can't stay here long. Or can I? I don't want Canine to find me. But what if I do let him see me? What'll happen then? Will he be mad at me for running away? That wouldn't be fair at all, last time I saw him he was unconscious on the kitchen floor. Would he be happy to be reunited as Celeste says? I doubt that. I really do wonder whether there's something between those two. She did seem exceptionally happy as she spoke about him. Or maybe he'd straight off kill me for finding out about everything. He is a murderer.

But then again, Zack is too. I won't burst his bubble but his old man is always around him, not close by, but always there.

The image of the lifeless body hanging from the banister made her heart and head leap.

No, don't think about that, not now. What were those colours anyway? Maybe it does have something to do with her. She thought about Celeste. She didn't really answer whether she can feel them too, she just said she knows they exist. I can't accept that as proof just yet, but it is pretty obvious from her energy.

If I were to leave, then what? Where would I go? Maybe I could find someone who's looking to adopt a girl like me, they did say there are all sorts of jobs and requests... But even so I can't leave just yet, I promised Zack we'd eat dinner together. No. I don't think it's a date or anything. It's just... I don't know... Abi's at fault here, putting weird thoughts in our heads. I mean, we've eaten together before.

The door opened and through half closed eyes Ellie watched the four figures trying to come in without waking anyone.

'Put her there. Gently. There we go.'

'Everythings spiiining...!' One of the figures almost shouted.

'Shh.' The figure holding her put her onto the bed.

'Do~n't leave yet.'

'Shh. Close your eyes.'

The other figure had already put the one he was carrying down and was waiting at the door. In just a few seconds time, both were snoring and the other two figures left.

The static made Celeste's head hurt. I'm just going to continue ignoring you, you know? Like Elsa said: "I can hear you, but I won't. Some look for trouble, all others don't. There's a thousand reasons why I should go about my day and ignore your whispers, which I wish would go away. O~.'

Now that I think about it there are a lot of similarities between me and Elsa. Both of us were born being able to do something others couldn't, and we both used them to play in the beginning. But later on, while she was trying to ignore her powers I pretty much just forgot they existed. Then when her powers were exposed mine just came back, we were both terrified of what could happen to our family because of our powers. Depression. I didn't even know what it was at the time. And anxiety too.

Then we learnt how to control them and have fun. By the second part we'd thought we knew what they were like, we were happy. Then came the voices. We found a force stronger than ourselves. Again we're scared, but we know it'll pass, we know how to control our powers. It takes a while but we both end up more free than before, I guess for me it's the discovery of being able to hear you guys that makes me happy.

So, I've learnt a lot. I learnt that the stuff I read about our brains being similar to a radio are correct, and that tuning it to the right frequency is done by applying energy to my middle, not my mind. That's useful.

And yesterday someone kept bringing up memories and feelings that made my energy increase, but I didn't pay all that much attention and ended up falling asleep the moment she said what she wanted to say. I didn't even catch what she said but oh well.

I haven't felt any of you properly since then, but I guess that's not all that unusual, if someone asks I can feel and answer their question but when it's just me...

That reminds me of the movie we watched last weekend, what was it called again? Doctor sleep? Really, it doesn't have all that much to do with what I've been thinking of but I wonder if mediums can really talk to each other telepathically. I wanna try that sometime. And whether I could really hear what others are thinking. I've always been able to feel it but would I be able to hear them?

The night passed slowly. Very slowly. Mostly consisting of the two late comers' snoring. But it did pass.

As the light began to flow in through the curtains, Ellie was patiently waiting for someone (hopefully someone she was already acquainted with) to wake up.

One, two, three, four, five... one bed's empty then. Who's missing? I'm in Hina's (?) bed, there's Abi, Celeste and the other two who were at a party last night. Well, there's no use thinking about it, I don't know their names anyway.

Time passed.

When are they waking up? I really have to go to the bathroom now... I don't have a choice. I'll try to be really quiet.

She carefully climbed down the ladder and walked to the bathroom. On the way she glanced towards Abi's bed.

She's been watching a movie this whole time? AGH!!

She walked straight into the door, which was open, but nonetheless made of hardwood. She quickly pretended nothing had happened and walked into the bathroom.

Abi, having seen that, smiled to herself. It's gonna be a fun day.

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