Chapter twenty four - Codenames and Masks

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The wind howled past their ears as the train chuffed along the tracks.

Even though we spread the blankets out under us it's not too comfortable and it's a bit loud too, but the scenery makes it worthwhile. It looks like the countryside. I hope there'll be forests too.

'Pft!' Zack spit the sunflower seed's shell out and took another from the bag.

Ellie took one too, cracking it with her teeth.

'Pft. Can you take the seed out in your mouth?'

She took another. 'I'll try...' It's salty and slippery. Ok. Now bite. 'Pft! It exploded in my mouth!'



'Just my phone.' Zack explained, taking it out of his pocket. 'Prob'ly Kal 'cause K9's on mute.' He smiled to himself. 'Yep.' He paused to read it. 'He sent me the details for a big heist tonight, should we go?'

'A heist?'

'Yeah, it says we need to retrieve some expensive jewels that a local gang stole.'

'What? Are you a secret agent or something?'

'Nah. The police regularly make us help out with their job. It kinda pisses me off, but as long as I get paid it's fine.'

'Would I really be allowed to join in? Would I get paid?'

'Course! The more, the merrier. As long as someone knows you're gonna be there you'll be... accepted(?) as part of the team. Your pay will depend on the work you do and also on who we'll be working with. So? Wanna come?'


'Then you'll need a mask and an alias.' He smiled.

'A mask?'

He nodded. 'Umhm. You can have my old one. It's just a simple black ball mask.'

'Sounds nice, but that wouldn't stop people from recognising you, would it?'

'I guess that's why there are people who prefer whole face masks or wear a mouth mask with their ball mask. I think I might have a full one somewhere, I'll check for you later.'

'Thanks. What's your codename?'

'Mine? Ash.'

'Ash? Why?'

'I actually wanted fire or flame but that was already taken. Plus, I used to watch Pokémon so...'

'Hmm... What should mine be...? How 'bout... Seraph?'

'What's that?'

'Some sort of angelic being.'

'Nah, that would just confuse people. But Angel suits you.'

'Uh, then I'd rather go with phantom or ghost or something.'

'So dead stuff? Spirit? Soul? Oh! How about corpse?'

'Corpse? Seriously? Fine! But it'll be funny when I die, like "There's a corpse!" "No, that is Corpse.".

'Don't be morbid.'

'Why? Don't like it?' She teased. 'Alright. Now that you mention it, my brother's farm was called 'Morbid Farm'.'

'What? Why?'

'No idea. Even though he seemed pretty normal, maybe even too normal.'

'Weird. Sounds like something K9 would do.'

Barcrow's: Codename K9Where stories live. Discover now