Chapter twenty five - Getting ready

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Zack opened the door slowly and looked around. Can't see anyone... And the bathroom's unlocked... 'Whew... Sorry but I really don't know what excuses I would have had to come up with if anyone else was home.'

Ellie went in after him. 'Well, it's definitely a lot tidier than I expected.'


'Just sayin''

Zack was reading the note left on the table. 'Seems no one will be home 'till after the heist. Let's get changed and go to the library, I'll try looking up your orphanage while you will think of a better codename.'


'I'm pretty sure it's already taken.'

'And if it isn't?'

'I'll log you into the computers with my account and you can see all the codenames that are in use. You do have a change of clothes right?'

Ellie nodded.

'Good. You can change in the bathroom.'

'You don't seem like the person Ben described you as.'

He smiled. 'I just like to annoy him and the teachers.'


'Ok. This is the long list. We can't add your new one unless we know your real name so I'll look into that now.' He sat down to the next computer.

It's really long. A... A... Still A... She kept scrolling. 'Why is it this long?'

''Cause we have branches all over. This isn't the only Barcrow's Shopping centre.'


'What was your orphanage's name again?

'Saint Erwin's.' Oh! There's a search bar at the top. That's useful. Well... he was right. Corpse is already in use. Let's see... what else could I be called... How 'bout Jinx? There was a game where a cat was called Jinx. Yeah! It hasn't been used yet! 'Got my new alias! How're you getting along?'

'Pretty good actually. It's easier to find details on kids that were adopted.' Someone looked up her profile less than a year ago... I'll look into it later, she'd just get worried. 'Your name is Elaine Mondro.' He rolled closer to her computer. 'I'll add you to the list. What name did you choose?'


'But we didn't say anything at the same time.' He smiled at her you-know-what-I-mean face. 'Ok, I get it.' He typed in the two names and skipped the page asking for additional details. 'Done! Now what else... Oh yeah! We have'ta find you a mask. If you're ok with one that's already been used you can have my old one. It's a simple black ball mask.'

'Sure! As long as it doesn't stink that is.'

'Can't promise that.' He smiled jokingly. 'It'll also be dangerous so I'll lend you a bulletproof vest too.'


'Now that everything is ready, how about we find some lunch?'

'Lunch at three pm? Fine by me. What are we having? Not eggs right? I've had enough of them for a lo~ng time.'

'Dunno yet. Let's look around the ground floor.'


'Wow! So many shops! How am I meant to choose?' Kinda reminds me of the market.

'How about you close your eyes and say a random food that you'd like?'

'Ok.' She closed her eyes. '...a chicken burger?'

'This way then.' He led her along the rows of cafés, restaurants, bars and fast food places.

'How long have you lived here? Learning where everything is must've been a challenge.'

'Five years. Well, learning the basics, like where to find food or toilets, can be learnt quite quick, but getting the hang of finding your way here takes about, I'd say, one and a half year? If we count knowing shortcuts and passageways three. There that's the place.' He nodded his head towards the place they were headed.


'Sorry we're late!' Zack panted as they reached the group. 'We went to look around the lost and found and lost track of time.'

Good thing we put the masks on before, everyone's already wearing theirs. What a creepy alley.

'So you came, codfish. Who's your partner?' A man wearing a mask with dogish patterns asked.

His voice seems familiar...

'Er, she's Jinx. It's kinda hard to explain... Wait codfish?'

'Never mind, You can explain later. Then we'll have three teams of four. You two follow us then and I'll explain the strategy on the way.'

The group of people divided into three.

Could that be K9? He does have a dog mask...

'Just a bet.' The person with math problems on his mask whispered to Zack. 'Whether you'd show up or not. I won.' He smiled proudly.

'Tick-tock's team is going to keep watch from nearby rooftops and shoot any fleeing enemies and possible backup. Vixen and the rest will infiltrate from the back doors. We're the diversion. We're going to cause as much commotion as possible at the main entrance. It's a two storied detached house, probably with a secret basement or something similar. Our goal is to retrieve any jewels we find. So anyway, how were the training corps?'

'Same as always. Tiring, boring and strict. I got yelled at a lot.'

The two men took out their handguns and signaled for them to take cover by sitting under the windows. Then they threw two items that smashed the windows. There was a hissing noise and smoke trailed out. Zack took out his pistol too.

There was a lot of shouting inside. 'Shit!' 'The Cops?' 'Who cares?' 'Did they find us?' 'What are you morons doing? Grab your weapons!'

Someone started coughing violently and leaned out from the smashed window, just above Math-Mask. Without thinking twice he shot the coughing man, splattering blood over himself. 'Ugh.'

Ellie saw the spirit and the body separate. Looking at the body made her feel a mixture of panic and disgust. The spirit, on the other hand, she could handle even less. She hid her head with her arms. Leave me alone! Go away! Please! Then she felt comfort in a sphere around herself. But... I didn't do anything... She couldn't feel any of the spirits anymore. How...? Weird...

'You ok?' Zack asked.

Ellie lifted her head and nodded.

'First time's hard for most' He glanced at Math-Mask, who was already covered in blood.

The Shouting inside was getting more and more urgent. They couldn't shoot from the bottom windows because of the smoke. Finally, they opened the door.

Barcrow's: Codename K9Where stories live. Discover now