Chapter fifteen - Old friends

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'Hey! Wake up K9.' Kal kicked him.


'Look, I know you were told to make it look realistic but isn't drinking yourself unconscious a bit overdoing it?'

'Nah.' He slowly sat up on the floor, rubbing his sore stomach and head. 'No one can blame you for drinking so much if you just lost your fiancée in an "accident".'

'Alright then Mr. Smooth. Now, it's time for you to either suddenly decide you can't stay here anymore or to die of alcohol poisoning. Which would you like.'

'Hm, normally I'd choose dying but with Ellie around I don't think I should.'

'Ellie? You mean the kid you picked up for the mission 'cause your target liked men who were responsible?'

'Your missing the point.'

'No, I'm not. I know the mission just happened to be the perfect excuse to adopt her. I know about your trip to your parent's house. I know you found out they didn't come for you because they'd died. And I know you found evidence that they left you with your aunt 'cause your mother was pregnant. All your research led to her, but you're the one not getting the point! There is no evidence she's your real sister.'


'Okay, let's assume she is. What then? The boss is still grumpy about the last "brat" you brought back.'

'Come on, that was years ago, and I thought you two got along quite well. Why're ya calling him a brat now?'

'I was just quoting what the boss said.' He mumbled. 'Don't tell Zack I said that.'

'And he's been making himself useful. Right now he's undercover in the training corps.'

'Ok, ok, enough explaining! I just meant you should act more like an adult, after all, your nineteen. Um... Where is Ellie?'

'Somewhere around the house or the farm?'

Kal shook his head. 'You're the only one here.'

'The chickens?'

'Gone. I would say "not a trace" but there's quite a lot left. Couldn't you check their poop or something to find out when she let them go?'


As they got closer to the tribe Ellie could hear the voices of children playing and grownups talking in serious voices.

'Tony! There you are.' A young man came over to him and slapped him on the shoulder. 'We were getting worried about you.'

'Hi Manfred.' Tony answered exasperatedly.

'And who's this with you?' He spotted Ellie a bit further behind. 'Did you find yourself a girlfriend?' He looked at Tony with an overly amazed face.

It was completely obvious that teasing Tony was one of his favourite hobbies.

'I did not.' Tony said, trying to keep calm. 'And you should be happy 'bout that, because if I did you'd be so jealous.' Tony tried to force a smile but it looked kind of funny to Ellie, like when an evil mastermind's invention, after many experiments, is finally completed and then blows up.

Ellie felt a hand on her wrist gently pulling her backwards. She looked around and saw a girl. She smiled at Ellie and put her finger on her lips for Ellie to stay quiet.

She wasn't sure if she should trust the girl but her face paint was similar to what was on Tony and they were probably from the same tribe so she let herself be led back into the green forest.

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