Chapter twenty one - Car ride

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'So, where are we going?'

'Umum, you tell me.'

'But you're driving.'

'I'm just following the road. Don't you have anywhere you want to go?' He paused to look at her.

Look at the road damn it!

'How about the city you were going to?'

'That was an excuse to get away from people who didn't want me around.'

'Didn't want you around? Is there something I should know about, like, why they didn't want you?'

'Sorry. I'd tell you if I knew but I don't.'

'Could it have anything to do with the fact that you immediately trust anyone you come across?'


'Like the old man, that is, if you weren't helping him, you could have been his next victim.'

I still don't think he was all bad.

'You weren't helping him, right?'


'And me, how do you know I'm not some serial killer? Don't you have any instincts? Any fear of people?'

'Sure I do, but you're like that too no?'

'Like what?'

'You offered to give me a ride even though I could have been helping a murderer.' She paused but he didn't have anything to say against it. 'I trust those who I don't think could kill me.' She smiled. 'You're not bad if you only kill bad people.'

'What makes you think I kill bad people?' His tone was more serious now.

Probably shouldn't upset him. 'I didn't mean you, it was more of a general statement.'

'Oh, right.' He forced a crooked smile. 'Well if you've nowhere to go I might try get you a place at the company I work for.'


'Yeah, yeah, I'm thirteen and I've got a job. Of course, only if you agree.'

'Well I really don't have anywhere to go. I'm not going back to the orphanage. Though I would be interested in what my file says...'

'And your brother?'

'He'll be fine. He's a grown up.'

'Eh, K9's also a grown up but leaving him alone is seldom a good idea.'

'He sounds... Irresponsible?'

'Pff! That's a perfect description of him!'

Good, he's not talking seriously anymore. And watching the road too.

'Anyways, I can't promise you'll get a place. There are plenty of people there who dislike me.'


'I'm the son of a policeman, that's why!'


'Crap! Now you're wondering what kind of place doesn't like the police right? I was just gonna get you a job as a cashier or something but now I havta explain everything!'

'No, no... it's not that... I was going to ask you why K9 let's them "not like" you?'

He sighed. 'He can't do anything about that. It's only natural afterall. Honestly it would be weird if no-one hated me.'

'That sounds sad...'

'Yeah, well, I'm used to it.'


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