Chapter twenty seven - Seraphina

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Once they were back down stairs Luna went back to being all quiet, only speaking when spoken to.

'Oh you're back!'

Luna nodded. 'Where's Terror?'

'She's gone down to help the others. Apparently they've been having some problems with the enemies. They've been down there for quite a while now. Only me and Dex were left on lookout duty.'

Ellie spotted the guy with maths on his mask in the kitchen. So that's Dex?

'Are you worried about your sister?'

'No, I just wanted to ask why she's making things so dramatic.'

'For the press. Things have been calm lately and they said it was time to liven things up a bit.'

There were footsteps on the stairs.


'Yeah. I can't wait to get home.'

'Oh, they're done. Did you get the jewels?'

'Yep! Vixen's got them.'

'Someone tell the sniper team we're done!'

'Anyone up for some pizza?'

'I'll bring our loot over to the requested address.'

'I'll come with you!'

Ellie felt a tap on her shoulder and followed Zack outside.

With Dex, K9 and Luna they walked off along the alleys.

'What a long day.' K9 sighed.

'And we've got that birthday party tomorrow.' Dex reminded him.

'Who's birthday is it?' Zack asked.

'Some kid's.'

'We're the clowns.'

'Clowns!? I have got to see that!'

'No you don't!' K9 told him. 'You ran away from training! Again! You should be grounded or something!'

Zack grumbled.

'Come to think of it, I heard you were on the same team as Ben.'

'Yeah... You know him?'

'Know him? He's my brother!'

'What, like, by blood?'

Dex took off his mask and wiped his face with his sleeve.

'Yeah by blood!'

'No wonder...'

'Hey! What's that supposed to mean?'

'Well... You're both serious about what you do, always doing your best. It kind of gets on my nerves.' He took off his mask.

'That's not too bad I guess. Maybe we'll see each other more often if he becomes an officer.'

'Who's the girl?' Dex asked, changing the topic.

'Oh. I met her at the training corps. She was traveling around and didn't have a home so I thought...'

'You left the training corps because of that? You must really like her.'

'Er! No... That's not...!'

Ellie felt her blood rush to her face. I sure am glad I didn't take the mask off yet...

'She reminds me of my sister.'

'You've got a sister too? Anything else I should know about?' Zack asked.

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