Chapter twenty eight - Idiots

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Right here. Across the road. No cars. Left at the next corner.

'How long have you been doing this?' Ellie asked.

She's trying so hard to start a conversation. Please just let me be quiet. 'Since... well, I was about twelve when I moved here... about seven years?' I think that's right...

'Ten years. Wait, that means you're seventeen?'

Luna nodded. No need to be that surprised...

Past the blinking light and thorough the park gates. It's only a ten minute walk from here.

'What exactly do you do? Like, Za- Ash explained it a bit but I guess I'm still confused.'

Luna sighed. 'Could you please be more specific?' Humans...

'Hm, well I'm not quite sure what I'm asking either. Maybe... What your job is?'

'That depends.'

'And how do you get these jobs?'

'That too depends on a lot of different factors. There are many ways to hire people like us. If your question is what the most popular one is, that would be to file a request at the post and the special office will sort them out accordingly. They give them to the people with the highest possibility of success, with some exceptions.' Better shut up now. That was quite a lot.

Ellie nodded slowly. 'How would someone become one of you?'

Idiot. You forgot to pretend you're already one of us. 'Connections.'

'That's all?'

'And some ability to survive.' There are plenty of people who have built up their reputations by killing inexperienced colleagues.


'Don't fret. The moment your name is typed onto the list the computer searches the internet and all previous mission files to build up your profile.' Background checks are important.

'That's... scary.'

You gonna stay quiet now? Good. I've a bad feeling. That's normal. But still... How can that be normal? It's not because of her. She's pretty incompetent dispite having an advantage most people don't. That won't stop me from watching my back though. There are so many shadows. It's difficult to identify people like this. That's why I'd normally blend in and travel out of sight. But with her that wouldn't be right. She'd think of me as a weirdo. Probably already does. Took all I had to act cool back at the house. Glad my voice didn't give in. What's with that worried expression? Ok, there's no one behind that weird bush. No one living that is. The tree? No. Not there either. Behind? Yeah. There is someone. Probably just minding their own business but you never know. One or two I can handle but anyone who's actually done some research would already know that.

She was ready to attack as the man walked past. As his pace was much faster than theirs he disappeared into the darkness not long after.

It seems like a bad habit always expecting the worst from people but I'd rather be like this than getting caught off guard. She increased her speed.

Ellie did the same. 'Have you ever killed anyone?' She asked softly, trying not to disturb the silence.

'That depends.' I really should come up with a different answer. 'Cutting someone doesn't necessarily mean killing them. They die from blood loss or organ failure or whatever. You just hold a knife. The knife cuts. Whether they die or not isn't correspondent with you holding a knife. And whether holding a knife in a particular place in a particular time counts as "killing" is not for me to decide.' Too much. Again. She's got the same power as Conan to drag information out of me. Not unwillingly of course. But it's rather tiring to deal with.

'That makes sense... You really thought this through, didn't you?'

'I have a tendency to overthink. So, yes I did.' It's embarrassing talking like this.

'You use a lot of rare words too. Ones you'd normally only read.'

She nodded. 'I like reading.' But I mostly do it to confuse and annoy people. And anyways, it depends on what you consider "a lot". She stopped. Without a reason. Just as a metallic object flew past where her foot would have landed next. She grabbed Ellie and ran.

'Hey! Wha-!?'

'bout time for some excitement.

Their steps echoed along the pavement.

No one's following? That means they probably have another plan.

Ellie panted as she tried to keep up.

Stamina's a problem for both of us.

They reached the gates and continued running. They ran into an unlit alley where they crouched behind a garbage container.

A dead end.

'What's... was...that?' Ellie whispered between her panting.

Luna just put a finger on her lips.

Quiet footsteps were coming their way.

As a figure appeared Luna didn't hesitate to throw one of her knives at their leg. To her dismay the knife bounced back with a metallic sound.

'Hiiihihi! Ha! Did you really think anyone would dare approach the queen of knives without proper armour?' The girl's sharp voice cut through the silence so loud that they had to wonder whether no one was around.

(A/N: She's exaggerating.)

I know that voice. What a drag.

In the dim light Ellie could make out a rather strange looking medieval knight.

Another came, this one not even bothering to walk quietly, with the sound of metal hitting itself over and over.

They're way underestimating me.

'Sorry Celeste. You don't know how much, how many buyers would pay for you.' (A/N: also an exaggeration.) 'Oh, who's this? I don't believe we've met before.' He had a handsome sounding voice but as he pushed up the visor he revealed a rather gap-toothed grin- at which a knife immediately flew at. He dropped it in surprise just in time. 'Bloody hell! What are you thinking!?'

What are you thinking?

'Careful, she's a feisty one.' The girl told him.

Luna stood up, winced and leaned to one side.

'Oh!' She came a step closer. 'Bad time to twist your ankle. I guess that means we won't need to use any tranquilizers.'

Ellie looked at her with a worried expression.

So that's what that was! It did seem strange that I didn't see any weapons on them. They must have blow guns or tubes or something for long distances like in the park and plan to use the individual darts for close combat. Kinda reckless but not all that bad. But I wonder where they've hidden them. Or is there a third person? That would make things problematic. And if that's the case I can't turn my back on her either. She might as well be on their side. And if she's not, then I can't just leave her either. Ugh, whatever. I'll just go with the flow.

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