Chapter eighteen - Found

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About 2 hours later Ellie found herself in a tiny cottage drinking hot tea with Sara and her family.

This tea could use some sugar.

It's kind that the residents of the nearby villages agreed to shelter those in Sara's until they rebuild their village, but it makes me a bit suspicious. I guess they're just lucky. They said that this was the home of an old lady until she died and then it became a sort of storage room.

Sara and her older brother Andy sipped their tea beside her.

Their mother was tidying up by the stove and their father was reading a newspaper in the armchair by the fireplace.

'Are you really traveling alone?' Sara's mum asked.


'Where are you headed next?' Her voice was soft and concerned.

'Well... I sort of supposed I'd figure that out later...' Maybe I could go back to the orphanage for my files and find out where I'm from...

'What?' Sara's dad looked over the newspaper. 'How can your parents allow you to just wander wherever you want all alone?'

His wife looked at him disapprovingly.

'What?' He asked innocently.

'It's ok.' Ellie told her, then to him. 'I'm an orphan. I'm only on this crazy journey by chance.' Don't just exist there! Help me come up with some vaguely realistic explanations!

'Oh, I-I didn't... I'm sorry.'

You don't say?

'It's okay.' She smiled.

'You're staying with us tonight.' Sara's mum decided. 'I won't let you leave without giving us a chance to repay you for what you did.'

She looked at the wall clock. 'It's almost three! I promised Walter I'd help him pack.'

'I still don't understand why he has to move to the city all of a sudden.' Grumbled Sara's father.

'Something to do with his sun allergy I think. He said there's some long term treatment for it that could cure it altogether.'


'Kids would you like to come help? The more the merrier.'

'Umhm.' Said Sara while sipping her tea.

'Yeah!' Andy agreed.

'Okay.' Ellie agreed, uncertainly.

'First finish your tea. Oh and feed Spike.'

Wasn't that the name of Sara's other brother?

After their tea she followed the other two outside.

'This way!' Andy led them behind the cottage to a wooden post with a goat tied to it.

Emm, nope. I'm not gonna ask. No.

Just out of it's reach was a stack of hay.

Sara ran and hugged the goat. 'Spike! I'm so glad you're alright too.'

Andy threw hay into Spike's circle of reach.

He looked about eight or nine years old.

'If you don't have parents, where do you live?' He asked.

'Well, I used to live either at the orphanage or at school...'

'School? How could you live at school?'

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