012, best friend.

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after lilia had sat outside for a bit, she finally went back inside. she sat in a corner, she didn't have a tree to sit beside so now she had a corner. she began to think. how she couldn't save sophia, she killed chandler, she almost killed shane, she had put down dale, and told her mother to leave. she tried to figure out what was happening, it was hard she had raised her voice at daryl she didn't know is he was mad or not. and carl was hurt and rick was sad all because of her. she needed to fix some of her relationships. especially with daryl.

"daryl, i'm sorry i yelled at you." lilia said slowly walking towards him.

"hon' i understand, and i know the people here make you feel like everything is yer fault when it's not. i'm not mad" he said with a slight smile.

"is rick?" she asked "nah, he gets it." he replied.

she found her backpack, she opened it and set everything out. the teddy bear, a birthday card from daryl, 4 bandaids, some alcohol pads, some candy, a small but complex first aid kit hershel had given her, and a letter from her father, she hadn't read it in over a year. she barely remembered what it said.

"daryl can you bring me somewhere?" she asked him

"where?" he asked.

"my old house." she said looking at her shoelaces. "yeah, just be good." daryl said, she deserved something she wanted.

she packed her backpack jumped on daryl's motorcycle and they were off. lilia told him where it was by pointing she didn't know her left and right lilia remembered perfectly where it was.

they were there. "i'll be right back." lilia said running to her bedroom upstairs, it was the exact same as it was when they left. she still had her few toys and books, then she saw it her folder of notes from her dad and brother, and birthday cards. she opened it and began to cry, she remembered her grandmother darlene, her uncle johnny and aunt juliette. her cousin leo. everyone. she missed them so much. (i just named the cast of what's eating gilbert grape)

she wiped her tears and put the folder and a few other things that were important to her in her backpack and went to find daryl. he yelled. "damn it!" he yelled. "you okay?!" lilia yelled back. she didn't get an answer so she ran downstairs and saw him, he cut his hand, her eyes widened. "sit daryl." she said, he did on the chair in front of the house.

lilia pulled out her first aid kit and found some gauze. "hold this on there." she said. "okay?" daryl asked confused why his kid was taking care of him. "what the hell is that?" daryl asked looking at the alcohol pad in her hand. "it's so your hand doesn't get infected, i think there's enough stuff tryna kill us already, i'm not letting you die from an infection." lilia said. he put his hand out. she very gently rubbed his hand with the wipe. he winced, she bandaged him up and they were going back to the prison. she thought about how much the people got hurt, but it was okay.

when they got back they found out that hershel had gotten bit and they cut his leg off, and there were these prisoners. a lot of stuff happened when they were gone. she walked over to carl while everyone was taking care of hershel. "are you okay?" she asked him. "yeah, i guess it just hurts." he said putting his comic down. "i'll take care of you, i've learned a thing or two from hershel, well i helped daryl after he cut his hand." she said. "no way" carl said smiling. "yup! lemme look." she said. they started to talk and have a good conversation. she checked out his leg and put some cream on it to make sure it was clean, and it was like 25 % lidocaine so it helped the pain.

carl was her best friend

authors note 🫶🫶🫶

HIIIII lily is so perfect saving daryl and all love you guys sm (i know this is short im sorryyyyy)

719 words

"she's my fuckin best friend."

-conan gray

trying- daryl dixon ff ✔️Where stories live. Discover now