063, i hate all of you.

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it was now spring around april probably. lily and judith hadn't talked to michonne, judith was staying in the same house as daryl and lily. daryl was fine with that, judith wasn't very hard to take care of. lilia didn't go to school she would never go again. none of that would help her in the real world. she was in oceanside for the first time and they were training to attack the whisperers.

lily was up front and she basically spotted anyone who couldn't kill. they let too many walkers out so she killed all the extra. "you guys — we need to know if more come we may not survive with that technique." lily said standing in front of everyone.

"you all did good but i'd like to point out aaron's work, you did amazing today props to you aaron." she said, she always shouted out someone different, last time it was connie. she was learning sign language so she could talk to her.

she was sitting with judith and rj, they were looking at shells lily was looking at a shell book at the same time.

"wow! that's a moon snail." she said, they continued to point out shells when rj pulled out a whisperer mask, there was a note connected.

"watch your backs." it said. lily stared at it. "dad, can you come here for a second?" she asked. he came over and looked at the note. he rolled his eyes. "damn it, i thought we were done." he said annoyed, "yeah me too dad." lily looked up at him. she held judith and rjs hand and brought them to aaron to hang out with gracie. "are we gonna die?" rj asked.

"look at me guys, neither of you are going to die, not before i do. trust me." she reassured them. she knew that alpha was dead, that's why they wanted to start again. she stood on one side of a truck, she didn't know maggie was on the other side. when the truck passed they made eye contact.

"hey maggie." lily said in a low tone. "why do you hate me?" maggie asked.

"i don't hate you maggie, i need you to know that i don't want to hate you. i'm older now. i'm not dumb anymore." lily said standing in place.

"insensitive asshole." maggie said. "insensitive? really? no shit maggie." lily said. "your acting like your not an insensitive asshole too."

"i have a kid now, i don't care about you." maggie said. "you know maggie. i don't care if you have a family. cool, i do too. i have 2 kids i take care of because michonne can't handle her own shit. i don't care about you either." lily replied walking away.

they were going on a trip, gage went on them a lot so he normally went this time too. maggie's group and a few of the alexandria group went. lily and gage walked together, but they didn't talk.

"negan how long until we get through the city!?" maggie yelled

"about 4 hours, we should hunker down until the rain passes!" negan shouted back.

"you don't get a vote asshole." alden said. "we definetly should hunker down." daryl said

they were in some kind of tunnel. they were walking through and negan pulled daryl aside. "can we talk? he asked. "what are we buddy's now?" daryl asked. lily looked at negan. "don't worry bout him, he does that sometimes." she said.

a sound, a very loud squeaky sound appeared. "the hell is that!?" negan asked. "i don't know." maggie said. "you know what i think that is, god tellin us to turn around." he said.

"i think he woulda ran that past me first." gabriel said. "shut the hell up gabriel." lily said. "stop bein like this, tryna run shit. your still a kid." daryl pulled her aside.

"more mature then this kid, at least i know that god is just a myth." lily said.
(not my belief by the way, please don't take offense.)

they all smelt something horrible, it turned out to be dead bodies. when daryl was about to open the suffocated body, it awoke. daryl jumped back, then stabbed it. lily picked up a bunny and put it in her pack, she could wash it for judith or rj.

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