039, the cut that always bleeds.

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*this chapter may trigger some*

lily was really happy lately, she hadn't talked to cali in a while, it had been 13 days. she sat on a bench beside daryl leaning her head on his shoulder.

"ya know what you need?" daryl asked, lily furrowed her eyebrows. "a drivers license."

she laughed a little. "dad i'm 8." daryl ruffled her hair. "and you tried to drive." daryl said.

"yeah..." lily said making an embarrassed look. "i'll work on it." daryl chuckled.

lily got up going to calis house. she knocked on door, calis mother kaley opened the door. "may i talk to cali?" lilia asked. "yeah, be gentle." kaley told her. lily smiled rubbing her hand before walking to calinia.

she knocked on the door. no one answered. "cali?" she knocked again. no one answered she opened the door, just to make sure she is okay. she didn't see anything when she went inside. so she knocked on the door to the bathroom. she heard commotion so she opened it slightly. she saw cali crying in the corner. she opened the door completely. cali cried harder seeing lily. she sat beside her. cali had a knife in her hand.

"kill me." cali said handing over the knife. "what?" lily asked. "i said kill me are you deaf!" cali raised her voice majorly. "i'm not gonna." lily said.

cali grabbed the knife and pointed it at her own stomach. "cali. this isn't you."

"i'm done! i'm fucking done with my life!" cali yelled. her mom ran through the door hearing the yelling.

"lilia! what!" kaley yelled thinking this was her fault. "it's her fault!" cali yelled. "peer pressure!"

lily looked at cali furious.

"i did not do shit." lily said bending her head. "i'm trying to save her."

"your killing her!" she screamed. "yeah." cali said acting the victim. "stay!" kaley screamed louder then lily had ever heard anyone scream.

daryl came running in soon after. whenever he came in he was furious thinking that lily had made this child try to kill herself.

"lilia how many times do i have to yell at you to make you listen!? just be good god dammit! it's not that hard!" daryl screamed at her. lily looked up at him tears running down her face.

"dad think logically!" she yelled standing up. "why would i make my best friend kill herself?"

daryl thought for a second, he wasn't thinking rationally at all. daryl grabbed lilia and walked out, "go to hell." daryl said to kaley before he left.

"what happened baby girl?" daryl asked

"sh-she said that she was tired of life and she told me to kill her and i refused and she blamed me and i hate everyone." she said beginning to cry in anger.

"it's not her fault lily." daryl said, hugging her light. "but why would her mom do that?" she asked.

"i don't know. but lilia you can't act like this all the time." daryl said, that was so out of  character. why would he say that. "the hell is that supposed to mean?" lilia asked annoyed. he wanted to date kaley. he only said 'go to hell' for fun. lilia was so pissed off he would do that to his own daughter.

"it means you can't be a little baby and get your way all the damn time."

"you know, i act tough but inside i'm not an adult i'm an 8 year old dad. actually, no, your not my dad you never were. you act like i'm a stranger. fuck you daryl."

daryl looked at her. and grabbed her shoulders pulling her back. "why the fuck do you act like that?!" he screamed at her. rick and carl shared a house with them along with carol and jonah, they heard and watched.

"because you act the exact same way." lily said. daryl dug his thumb into her shoulder making her wince. "i'm an adult! you can't talk to me that way!"

"look at you! you don't act like one, i'm more mature then you are." lily kept her voice low. jonah ran and grabbed her so daryl couldn't hurt her anymore. she hugged jonah.

daryl bent down putting his hands on his face in regret. he didn't mean to do it. he didn't mean to do anything to hurt lily, she was his little girl. he was being an absolute asshole. he knew that. carol had made sure daryl was okay. rick and carl left.

what was daryl's motive? why would he completely switch moods in seconds? what happened? since when did he want a lover? lilia was so confused. lily couldn't just be there when daryl or jonah needed her. she's a child. not a healer. it's like to everyone, she was just a backup.

nobody understood her. she loved daryl she loved him so much. she never meant to fight with him, she just tried her best, her best was just... never enough. why would someone believe that she of all people would try to kill her best friend, what the hell was wrong with people. she stormed up to her room with these thoughts running through her head. she locked her door and cried into her pillow. she was tired of human beings, hell she was tired of dead ones too. she was 8 years old and she had gone through so much, but little did she know, there was so much more to come. she didn't even know about,

the wolves

the saviours


the whisperers

her bullies

the reapers

the commonwealth

she. was. clueless.

it was the cut that always bleeds.

authors note :P

sorry bbgs, i swear it won't happen again, not for a while. love u guys 😮

1024 words :7

"oh I can't be your lover on a leash every other week when you please. oh, i can't be the kiss that you don't need the lie between your teeth the cut that always bleeds"
-conan gray.

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