Chapter 4

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The news about my impending marriage to Audrey, the person I had strong feelings of dislike for, was an unexpected twist in my life. As I received this surprising information, my initial reaction was a mix of disbelief and frustration.

Visiting my parents had always been a welcome respite from the whirlwind of my business life. However, today's visit took an unexpected turn.The news landed like an unexpected thunderclap, reverberating through my thoughts.

"Mom, Dad," I stammered, trying to make sense of the revelation, "I don't understand. Audrey? Are you serious?"My parents exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of understanding and resolve. "Asher, we've considered this carefully," my father began, "and we believe this is the right decision for our family".

"I won't marry Audrey. I can't go through with it." My mother's voice was gentle and unwavering "Asher, honey we know Audrey's your best friend's younger sister and you might have seen her the same way -"

" What ? Mom what were you thinking, I've never seen that way, my reason for  disapproval for marrying her is simply because I. DON'T .LIKE. HER ". I've never even once in my life thought Audrey as my sister, how can they think like that, God.

As the discussion about my arranged marriage to Audrey continued, my father, spoke with a gravity that left me stunned."Asher," he said, his tone unyielding, "I want you to understand the importance of this decision. If you don't go through with this marriage, it will have consequences for your position as CEO. We've already decided that if you refuse, your cousin Arthur will take over."

"Dad," I exclaimed, my voice a mix of incredulity and disbelief, "are you serious? You're willing to put the company's future on the line because of this marriage?". My father's response was measured, but the determination in his eyes was unmistakable. "Asher, the company is a part of our family's legacy, and we believe this decision is in the best interest of both." I couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration and helplessness.

"Dad," I said, my voice carrying a note of defiance, "I will marry Audrey under one condition: she agrees to marry me willingly." My father and mother exchanged surprised glances, clearly taken aback. I smirked inward  knowing Audrey would never agree to marry me owing to our history.

After the intense and emotionally charged discussion with my parents, I retreated to my penthouse in need of a drink to calm my racing thoughts. After reaching my penthouse I poured a glass of fine whiskey, appreciating the way the amber liquid glistened in the soft glow of the city lights.

I decided to call my best friend, Christian, hoping he might provide some insight. As I dialled his number I couldn't help but wonder if he is already aware of this marriage issue."Hey, Christian," I began, my tone a mix of anxiety and anticipation. "Asher,what's wrong man , you sound serious", he replied to me."Christian," I inquired, my voice carrying a mix of anxiety and curiosity, "do you know about the marriage between Audrey and me?". There was moment of hesitation before he began, "Asher , actually I planned to tell you but - " I cut him off .

"Christian," I exclaimed, my voice edged with frustration and disappointment, "if you knew even a hint of this situation, why didn't you tell me earlier?"There was a tense silence on the other end of the line, and I could sense the discomfort in his voice as he replied, "I didn't want to complicate things, Asher." Before I could continue I heard her voice.Her voice had a soft, melodic quality that was impossible to ignore.Her words were faint, a mere whisper in the background, but they had a way of capturing my attention.

With a sense of urgency in his tone, Christian cut the call, telling me that he had to go, not before telling me that we'll talk when we meet.

As I ruminated on the situation, I couldn't help but recall Audrey's voice from the phone call with Christian.It had been over five years since I had last heard her voice, and it carried a sense of familiarity that tugged at my memories.

I had spent years pondering why I had such strong negative feelings toward her, and yet, I couldn't deny the attraction that had always simmered beneath the surface.Hating Audrey had become a defense mechanism, a way to hide the complex tangle of emotions I held for her.I had become an expert at ignoring Audrey and pushing her away and being my best friend's baby sister, she was off limits.

Exhausted and emotionally drained from the events of the day, I made my way to the bedroom.With a heavy sigh, I resigned myself to bed, seeking solace in the quiet darkness.

In the stillness of the night, I found myself whispering to the empty room, a question directed at Audrey, even though she wasn't there "Why is it always difficult with you, blue ?"

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