Chapter 34

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"Alright, fine, you caught me," he admits. "You're the only person in the world who could make me cry. Because, dammit, I'm scared of losing you, Blue." That's when I realised , even I cannot live without this man.

With a determined yet gentle gaze, Asher promises, "When you're feeling better and out of the hospital, you can tell me everything about your past." With a faint smile, I reply, "I will, Asher. I promise." In a soft admission, Asher says, "I missed you." He takes my hand and places a gentle kiss on it. With a soft smile, I reply, "I missed you too, Asher."

Our tender moment is interrupted by Christian's throat clearing. Asher mutters something under his breath, and a sudden burst of laughter escapes me. Christian suggests to Asher, "You should go home and rest. I'll take care of her." Asher protests, "I'm not leaving her."

Sensing Asher's reluctance, I gently implore, "Go home, Asher. I'll be fine." Our eyes exchange a silent dialogue, a language of understanding that transcends spoken words.

As Christian takes a seat beside me, a genuine remorse colors his expression. "I'm sorry I couldn't get there in time to save you," he admits. Comfortingly, I reply, "It's not your fault, Christian. If you knew in advance, you would've protected me. You're here now, and that's what matters, and how's Joshua?" He replies" He's okay, actually he dodged the knife, it didn't pierce him and he's back in London as he had to attend an important meeting and he offered his apologies for not being here".

Lily and Liam burst into the private room, disrupting the calm. Lily, her eyes brimming with tears, breaks into sobs. Liam breaks the emotional tension by asking, "How are you feeling?" With a faint smile, I reply to Liam, "I'll be okay. Just need some rest." As Liam and Christian tactfully make their exit, the room regains a sense of privacy.

Softly, I implore Lily, "Please, don't cry."Lily, wiping away tears, replies, "I can't help it, Addy. Seeing you like this..." Lily, grappling with guilt, confesses, "I should've stayed with you instead of going home. This wouldn't have happened." With a reassuring smile, I reply, "Lily, it's not your fault. You couldn't have known. I'll be okay."

Lily, her tear-stained face reflecting a mix of emotions, murmurs, "I just hate seeing you hurt, Addy." With a mischievous glint in my eye, I press Lily, "Why did you and Liam come together?" Lily, with a playful smirk, dodges the question and replies, "Oh, you know, just thought we'd spice up your hospital stay with some unexpected company." Chuckling, I respond, "Well, consider the surprise successfully delivered. Next time, maybe send a text first?"


It's been two days in this glamorous hospital suite, and today is my grand discharge day. The perks of having a personal bodyguard named Asher - he hasn't left my sight for a second. Asher's voice, a comforting presence in the hospital room, breaks the stillness. "Can you walk, Blue, or shall I fetch you a wheel chair?"

With an amused eye roll, I assure Asher, "No need for the wheel chair, my legs are functioning just fine. I can manage a walk." Christian reappears after handling the discharge paperwork, looking at me with a warm smile. "Ready to go?" he asks.

Curious, I turn to Asher and inquire, "So, who's taking the wheel?" He smirks and responds with a playful tone, "Your brother, the designated chauffeur for the day." A groan escapes Christian at the mention of being the designated "chauffeur." I can't help but chuckle at his reaction, and with a teasing grin, I say, "Looks like someone's not a fan of the chauffeur title."

I raise an eyebrow at Christian's protest, and he retorts, "Not you too, princess." Upon arriving at my parents' house, the living room is filled with familiar faces eagerly awaiting my return. I discreetly pull Asher and Christian aside, the weight of unspoken concern etched on my face. "What happened with Mason?" I inquire.

Asher's smirk and a shared glance with Christian precede his response, "He's been taken care of." "Relax, Addy," Christian urges, a comforting smile on his face. "Don't worry about him. We've got everything under control."

Seated at the family table, a sense of normalcy settles in as we gather for lunch. The familiar faces around me, including Asher's parents, Liam, and Lily, weave a tapestry of comfort and support.

Amidst the lively chatter, my mom playfully suggests, "Why don't you and Asher go on a honeymoon for a change of atmosphere?" A sudden suggestion about a honeymoon catches me off guard, and I find myself choking on my food. Asher swiftly hands me a glass of water as I manage to sputter out, "Mom, what are you talking about?"

My mother-in-law chuckles and replies, "Well, dear, it's just a thought. A little getaway might do wonders for both of you." Her eyes twinkle with a hint of mischief. I turn to Asher with a look that silently pleads for help. He, in turn, responds with an amused shrug.

Lily pipes up, "Don't worry, Addy. I'll handle the company while you're away." I shoot her a look of disbelief. My father-in-law, assures Asher, "Don't worry, son. I'll manage the company in your absence."

Asher, with a gentle smile, responds, "Sounds like a plan. I'm okay with it." The room fills with a collective sigh of relief, and I find myself at the center of everyone's hopeful gaze. With a defeated sigh, I nod in agreement. Liam, always curious, chimes in, "Where are you two planning to go?"

Turning towards Asher, I find a softness in his eyes as he whispers, "We can go wherever you like, Blue." After a thoughtful pause, a smile tugs at my lips as I look at Asher and say, "Santorini."

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