Chapter 6

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Meeting Asher after five years was a nerve-wracking experience.My parents had arranged for a meeting with Asher in his office, and the thought of it added a layer of complexity to the already tense situation.

For the meeting with Asher, I chose an outfit that balanced professionalism with a touch of personal style. I wore a navy blue, knee-length sheath dress that was both elegant and understated. The dress had a subtle pattern, adding a hint of sophistication without being overly flashy.To complete the look, I opted for a pair of classic black pumps. I wore a delicate silver bracelet and a matching pair of silver stud earrings, keeping the accessories minimal to maintain a sense of simplicity. I styled my waist length hair in loose waves.

Driving to Carter and Co, my nerves were on edge. I parked my Porsche and made my way through the polished lobby to the reception desk.An employee directed me to Asher's office, and I followed the directions, my heart pounding with each step. When I reached the door, I hesitated for a moment, then knocked and entered.To my surprise and confusion, the office was empty. The polished mahogany desk was tidy, but there was no sign of Asher. The room felt sterile and cold, and the silence was unsettling.

Just as I stood in Asher's empty office, a wave of uncertainty washing over me, I suddenly heard the distinct sound of footsteps approaching. My heart raced as I turned towards the door, and then he appeared. Asher entered the office, and for a moment, I was frozen in place. His presence was commanding, and the air in the room seemed to shift with his arrival.

As Asher entered the office, I couldn't help but be struck by his sheer presence. He had always been a handsome man, but the five years that had passed since our last encounter had transformed him in ways that took my breath away.His chiseled jawline, perfectly coiffed dark hair, and piercing eyes were even more captivating in person. It was as if he had been sculpted by an artist, and I found myself momentarily entranced by his beauty.

Seeing him on television and magazine covers had never done justice to the reality of his allure. In person, Asher exuded an undeniable magnetism that was impossible to ignore.

The moment our eyes locked together  was a whirlwind of emotions and memories rushing to the surface. I couldn't look away, and neither could he.In that fleeting instant, I saw a glimmer of something in his gaze, I couldn't describe.

                       Asher's pov

As I laid my eyes on Audrey after five long years, a whirlwind of emotions surged within me. Audrey had changed, grown more mature, and there was an undeniable allure about her that I couldn't ignore.As Audrey stood in my office, her beauty was impossible to ignore. The years had been kind to her, enhancing her natural grace and elegance.

I gestured toward a chair in my office, inviting Audrey to take a seat. Her response was a subtle nod.As she sat there, her posture straight and her expression composed, I couldn't help but feel the weight of the moment, recognizing that the conversation that awaited us held the potential to change the course of our lives.

"Would you like something to drink, Audrey?" I inquired, attempting to ease the tension in the room.Audrey's reply was cold and distant. "No, thank you, Mr. Carter".

Audrey's formal address as "Mr. Carter" didn't go unnoticed, and I couldn't help but smirk slightly in response."Well, well, future Mrs. Carter," I teased, the hint of smugness in my tone, "you've certainly mastered the art of keeping things proper." I observed the subtle change in her expression, the flicker of annoyance in her eyes, and I couldn't deny that I found it somewhat cute.

"Well, Mr. Carter," she retorted, her voice carrying a tone of determination, "let's not forget that I never willingly accepted this marriage in the first place." Oh she's not shy before me this time. My blue has become fierce.

"Touché, Audrey," I remarked, a smirk playing at the corners of my lips. "It seems we're both unwilling participants in this little drama."
"Why have you agreed to this marriage, Carter?" she asked, her gaze unwavering.My reply was equally direct, and my tone was colder than I had intended. "Family expectations, Audrey. Sometimes, that's all there is."

Audrey's response was resolute, and it carried a hint of skepticism."I don't believe that's your only reason," she stated firmly, her expression unwavering. I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction."Well," I replied with a hint of humor, "I suppose time will reveal the truth, won't it blue?". False. There was no other reason to marry her other than my father threatening me to take away my CEO position. And shit I called her blue, she never knew about it.

Audrey's reaction was a mix of surprise and curiosity, a quizzical look in her eyes. "Blue, do you think I am a dinosaur from the movie Jurassic World?, don't call me with such ridiculous names".

Audrey's humor had a way of surprising me, and her comment about the "Jurassic World" dinosaur had drawn a genuine chuckle from me. It was a rare moment of lightness in our conversation, reminding me of the sense of humor she had always possessed. I couldn't help but feel a shift in the atmosphere. It was as if Audrey's gaze, directed at me, carried a weight of its own, causing a sudden tenseness to settle in the room.

Audrey's tone was resolute as she informed me, "let me be clear, Carter. I will not marry you."

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