Chapter 65

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Mason's grip tightened as he pulled out a gun and pointed it at me

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Mason's grip tightened as he pulled out a gun and pointed it at me. My heart raced, fear coursing through me as I felt the cold metal against my temple. "You don't think I'll use this?" he taunted, his voice low and menacing. I could see the madness in his eyes, and it sent chills down my spine.

Just then, I caught a glimpse of movement at the warehouse entrance. It was Asher, his eyes scanning the room with a mix of determination and worry. Relief flooded through me, but I knew I had to be careful. One wrong move, and Mason could do something unpredictable.

I locked eyes with Asher, silently pleading with him to save me. I tried to convey everything through that look—the fear, the urgency, the desperate need for him to be safe. I didn't know what Mason was capable of, and I couldn't risk Asher's life, even if he was here to rescue me.

Asher's expression shifted, his focus now solely on me. He was assessing the situation, trying to find the right moment to act. I knew he wouldn't rush in without a plan, but the tension in the air was suffocating. All I could do was hope that he could find a way to get me out of this alive while keeping himself safe.

Mason's grip tightened as he sensed something was off. "What are you looking at?" he growled, his voice harsh. I turned my gaze back to him, trying to keep him calm, but I knew Asher wouldn't stay back for long. He'd find a way to get to me, and I had to trust that he knew what he was doing.

As Mason held the gun to my temple, my mind raced. I knew I had to keep him calm, try to talk him down. "Mason," I said softly, my voice as steady as I could manage, "you don't have to do this. Just put the gun down, and we can talk."But he wasn't having it. His grip tightened, his eyes narrowing with anger. "Why won't you look at me with the same love you give Asher?" he snarled, his voice filled with jealousy and frustration.

It was like he was genuinely puzzled, as if he couldn't understand why I didn't share his delusional affection.I tried to keep my composure, knowing any sign of fear might push him further into madness. "Mason, you know it's not like that," I replied, my tone gentle yet firm. "You can't force someone to love you. Please, just let me go."His expression grew darker, his grip on the gun more aggressive.

Mason's gaze flickered with confusion, as if he was struggling to process my words. "You belong with me, Belle," he muttered, his voice breaking with a hint of desperation. "Why can't you see that?"

"Mason, let's take it easy," Asher said, his tone almost soothing. "We can sort this out without anyone getting hurt. Just put the gun down, and let's talk."I watched Asher carefully, and out of the corner of my eye, I noticed him give me a subtle signal—a small nod and a quick glance to the side.

It was clear he had a plan, and he was counting on me to play along. I tried to stay calm, giving him a slight nod in return to let him know I was on board.But Mason wasn't having it. He yanked me closer, his grip on my arm almost painful. "Don't even think about it," he snarled, his eyes flicking between me and Asher.

Asher kept his cool, his expression steady even as Mason tightened his hold on me. "Mason, look at me," he said, his voice steady but firm. "This doesn't have to end badly. Let Addy go, and let's talk about this."Mason's eyes narrowed, his grip on my arm relentless. "She's not going anywhere," he snapped, his voice hard. I felt the pressure on my arm increase, and the fear started to creep in.

I summoned all my strength and kicked Mason in the shin, hard. He yelped in pain, loosening his grip just enough for me to break free. I dashed toward Asher, my heart racing with fear and adrenaline. But before I could reach him, I heard a gunshot, and the next thing I knew, my body jerked as a searing pain tore through my shoulder.

Asher's horrified expression was the first thing I saw as he lunged forward to catch me. He reached out, his hands trembling as he pulled me into his arms. I could feel my strength draining away, the shock numbing my senses. The world seemed to spin, and the distant shouts and sirens became a dull hum. I collapsed against Asher's chest, my body growing weaker with each passing second.

His grip tightened, his eyes frantic as he tried to keep me awake. "Addy, stay with me," he said, his voice strained with panic. I could feel his warmth, but my body felt cold, as if all the heat was draining away. Mason's voice cut through the chaos. "I love you Belle!" he shouted, his words twisted with delusion. I heard another gunshot, but this time it wasn't aimed at me. Christian and the police arrived, storming the warehouse and taking control.

But I was barely aware of the commotion, my focus slipping in and out as I fought to stay conscious. Asher's grip tightened, and I could hear the desperation in his voice as he called for help. "Addy, don't you dare leave me," he pleaded, his tears falling on my face. But the darkness was closing in, and I couldn't hold on much longer. All I could think about was the baby and how everything had changed in an instant. Asher's voice was the last thing I heard before the world went dark.

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