Chapter 58

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As we pulled into the hospital parking lot, I took a deep breath, preparing for the chaos that usually comes with a birth

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

As we pulled into the hospital parking lot, I took a deep breath, preparing for the chaos that usually comes with a birth. It was about to get real busy, real fast. But as long as Sophia and the baby were safe, that's all that mattered. We were there for them, no matter what.

We stormed into the hospital, Addy and I, our shoes squeaking against the polished floors. The atmosphere was electric, filled with the hum of hospital activity, but all I could focus on was finding Christian and seeing if Sophia was okay. As we turned the corner into the waiting area, we saw them—Christian, Liam, and pretty much the whole family—already there.

Christian was pacing back and forth, his hands raking through his hair. Liam was leaning against the wall, trying to act calm, but you could tell he was just as anxious. The rest of the family was spread out, some sitting, some standing, all of them looking like they’d been on edge for hours. It was like a scene from a movie—people everywhere, but all eyes were on the same door.

Christian saw us first, and his expression softened, just a bit. "Hey," he said, waving us over. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case. "Glad you could make it," he added, his voice strained but grateful.

"Wouldn’t miss it," I replied, giving him a quick nod. I patted him on the shoulder, hoping to transfer a bit of calm. "How’s Sophia?"

He sighed, rubbing his temples. "She’s in there, doing her thing," he said, gesturing toward the delivery room. "They won’t let me in yet, but they said it's going well." He sounded like he was convincing himself as much as he was telling us.

Addy stepped forward, offering him a reassuring smile. "She’s strong, Christian. She’ll be fine," she said, giving him a gentle hug. He seemed to relax a little, just from that brief moment of comfort.

Liam came over and slapped me on the back, his usual laid-back self, but I could tell he was masking his worry. "Guess we just wait now, huh?" he said, trying to keep the mood light.

"Yeah," I replied, glancing at the door. "We wait." It was going to be a long night, but we were in it together, as family, and that made all the difference.

We're waiting outside the delivery room when the doctor steps out, looking all official. He gives us a big smile and says, "It's a baby girl."

Evan, standing by, lets out this high-pitched squeal and starts jumping up and down. The kid is over the moon. He darts toward Addy, his favorite aunt, and practically shouts, "Aunt Addy! It's a girl! I have a baby sister!"

Addy sweeps him up in a big hug, spinning him around. "That's amazing, Evan!" she says, her eyes lighting up with joy. He's babbling about how he's going to teach his sister everything, and the whole family's buzzing with excitement.

I turn to Christian, who's got this mix of relief and pure joy on his face. He just became a dad. To a little girl.Addy rushes over and hugs him, and I give him a solid pat on the back.

"Congrats, man," I say, feeling a genuine rush of happiness for him. "You've got a little princess now."Christian's grinning ear to ear, his eyes glistening a bit, but he's trying to play it cool. "Thanks," he says, trying to act casual, but he's totally beaming.

Liam joins in, slapping Christian on the back. "You did good," he says with a smirk. "Now the real fun begins." Christian laughs, but there's a hint of nervousness in his eyes.

One by one, we're going into the room to meet the new addition to the family. When Addy steps up to see the baby, she's like a magnet. She leans over the crib, cooing softly to the little girl, and wouldn't you know it, the baby actually smiles. Just like that, Addy’s got her wrapped around her finger.

Liam's standing in the doorway, shaking his head. "Of course, she's already got the baby smiling," he whines. "Addy's the favorite, yet again."

I smirk and look over at him. "What can I say?" I reply with a shrug. "My wife is a fairy." It's true. There's just something magical about her when she's with babies. It's like they just know she's good people.

Addy picks up the little girl, holding her gently, and I can’t help but watch. She’s so natural with the baby, it’s like she was made for this. And I can’t lie, seeing her like this gets me thinking about what it would be like when we have our own kid. The idea doesn’t scare me; if anything, it feels right.

Christian and Sophia are beaming from ear to ear, watching Addy with their baby. Liam keeps muttering about favoritism, but he’s got a soft spot for Addy, and he knows she deserves it. I just stand there, enjoying the moment, admiring how my wife has this uncanny ability to make everyone feel at ease, even a newborn.

Addy catches me staring and gives me a small smile, like she knows what I’m thinking. Yeah, she's something special, and the thought of her with our own baby someday... well, let's just say it makes everything else seem a little less important. Because, really, it's all about these moments, the ones that make you realize you're exactly where you're supposed to be.

I'm leaning against the hospital wall, watching Addy interact with the baby, when my mom quietly joins me. She’s got that gentle smile she always has when she's about to say something heartfelt. "I'm so happy you found love, Asher," she says, resting a hand on my shoulder.I look at her and then back at Addy, who's glowing with joy as she cradles the baby. "Yeah," I reply, nodding slowly. "I found home." The words just slip out, but it's the truth.

With Addy, it's like everything just fits, like I've been wandering and finally found my place.Mom squeezes my shoulder, her eyes glistening a bit. "You're lucky," she says, her voice soft but full of warmth."Yeah, I am," I agree, feeling that warmth spread through me. "Real lucky."

Because finding love is one thing, but finding someone who feels like home—that's a whole different level. And I know I've got something special with Addy, something that not everyone gets to experience.

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