Chapter 40

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Here I am, post a mind-blowing kiss from my husband, soaking up the quiet night in the farmhouse backyard.Sometimes, it takes a kiss to heal the wounds and find a way back to each other. Reliving that mind-blowing kiss, I can't help but touch my lips, the lingering warmth sending shivers down my spine. A shy smile sneaks onto my face.

Suddenly, Asher strolls into the backyard with that mischievous grin of his. "You know, you can ask for a kiss anytime you want," he says, and I can't help but roll my eyes. I shoot back, "Well, aren't we the generous kisser?" with a playful smirk.

Asher, with that charming smile, fires back, "Only for my wife," and I can't help but feel a rush of warmth. I playfully retort, "Lucky me," with a grin.Asher, wearing a quizzical expression, asks, "What are you doing here?" I simply shrug and reply, "Just enjoying the stars and contemplating how lucky I am."

Asher, being all sweet, says, "I'm lucky to have you in my life." He pecks my forehead, joins me in the backyard, wraps his arms around me. I give him a soft smile and say, "Thank you for coming into my life, Asher." Asher looks into my eyes and replies, "Thank you for letting me be a part of it," and suddenly, the backyard transforms into our own little universe.

I take a deep breath and tell Asher, "There's something from my past I want to talk about." Asher nods, his eyes filled with understanding, and says, "Whenever you're ready, Blue. I'm here to listen."

5 years ago

Touching down in Paris with Lily was like stepping into a fashion fairy tale. Our little apartment, cozy and quintessentially Parisian, became the canvas for our design dreams. As we dove into the fashion world of Paris, Lily and I forged new friendships, and Mason emerged as one of them.

Mason, with his infectious spirit, became more than a friend in Paris. He was my confidant, always there to take care of me. When the echoes of rejection from Asher lingered, Mason was my anchor, helping me navigate through the storm.

The final day of our fashion course in Paris marked the end of an era. As Lily and I wrapped up our creative escapade, it dawned on us that our days in the heart of fashion were coming to a close.
Christian's call jolts me back to the present. "Done packing?" he asks. It's the signal that our Parisian chapter is closing, and the journey back home is about to begin.

I chuckle and reply, "Almost there, Christian. Paris won't be the same without us, right?" Christian laughs and says, "You two definitely added some flair to this city. Get ready for the Parisians to miss their daily dose of Lily and Addy charm."

I end the call with Christian, and Lily immediately fires the question, "What are you wearing for your dinner with Mason?" I laugh and reply, "Oh, you know, the perfect blend of chic and effortless.

Timing couldn't be better. Just as I finish getting ready, Mason calls to announce, "I'm downstairs waiting for you." With a cheerful "bye" to Lily, I hop into Mason's car, and we cruise through the Parisian streets to the restaurant.

Dinner wraps up, and just as I'm savoring the last bits of dessert, Mason's tone shifts. "I want to talk about something," he says, his French accent adding an air of seriousness. I set down my fork, intrigued, and reply, "Sure, Mason. What's on your mind?"

Mason takes a deep breath and drops the bombshell: "I love you, belle. Stay in Paris with me. Don't go to America." I navigate the delicate moment, explaining to Mason, "You're my best friend, and I can't imagine you as anything else. Plus, I have a life waiting for me back in America." As the words settle in, I notice his eyes darken with the weight of rejection.

Mason's expression hardens as he declares, "You've been mine from the moment I saw you. I'll make you love me, Blue, one way or another." Anger fuels my response, "Love isn't something you force, Mason. It's earned." I storm away from the place.

As I wait for a taxi, an unsettling feeling creeps over me. Something pokes into my neck, and suddenly, black spots blur my vision. As I wake in an unfamiliar place, my head throbbing, the realization hits – something was injected into my neck. Fear crawls through my body in waves.

I blink my eyes, trying to make sense of the blurry surroundings. A familiar figure walks in, and from my hoarse voice, a name escapes, "Mason?" Fury courses through me as I yell at Mason, "Why am I tied up? Where am I, and why have you done this?"

Mason's reply, accompanied by that creepy smile, sends a cold shiver down my spine. "I told you I'd make you mine, and I've done it. You'll stay with me for the rest of your life, Belle," he declares.Fury fuels my words as I snap at Mason, "You're a sick creep! This isn't love; it's obsession. You need treatment."

His fury intensifies as he warns, "Don't call my love names, Addy. You won't like the consequences." Undeterred, I retort, "This isn't love, Mason. It's twisted, and I won't be silenced by your threats." A sharp sting follows as Mason slaps me, claiming, "I wanted to make it work easily, but you're making it difficult and painful for both of us."

The metallic taste lingers in my mouth, and I realize my lower lip is cut. Mason leaves the room, locking it behind him.I shout and plead, my voice echoing in the confined space. "Let me go, Mason!" A desperate sob wrecks through me.

Mason bursts into the room next day, stuffing a cloth in my mouth. Soon, I'm thrown into a car, and he speeds away.Amid the chaos, I hear sirens in the distance. Glancing in the rear-view mirror, hope surges as I spot Christian following.

Hope is crushed as Mason accelerates recklessly, the car tumbling over. In the chaotic descent, I can't shake the feeling that this might be the end.

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