Chapter 24

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As I step into my office, my eyes are drawn to the beautifully wrapped gift sitting on the desk

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As I step into my office, my eyes are drawn to the beautifully wrapped gift sitting on the desk. The anticipation of surprising Asher for our one-month anniversary fills me with excitement.With a renewed sense of focus, I dive into my work, sketching and conceptualizing designs for the upcoming collection.

My mind buzzes with ideas as I envision a unique maternity collection, each piece designed to celebrate the beauty and strength of expectant mothers. From flowing dresses that embrace the growing bump to stylish yet comfortable ensembles, I'm eager to create a line that not only showcases fashion but also empowers women during this special time in their lives.

Lily breezes into my office with an easy smile. "Ready to escape this creative chaos, Addy? Shall we?" "Almost done," I reply to Lily, my eyes flicking back to the sketches. "I'll go later". Lily raises an eyebrow and asks, "Are you sure, or should I stay to keep you company?"
"No, go ahead. I just need a few more minutes," I assure Lily with a smile.

Lily plants a gentle kiss on my cheek and affectionately says, "Goodnight, darling." I chuckle and reply, "Goodnight, Lily. See you Monday!" I focus on my designs, lost in the creative process, as the soft hum of the office continues around her.

I sigh, realizing it's already 11 o'clock. I grab my phone, noticing several missed calls from Lily. "Oops, got caught up in work," I mumble, dialing Lily's number with a sheepish grin. I dial Lily's number, a worried frown on my face. "Hey, Lily, what's wrong? I saw your missed calls," I say, concern evident in my voice. Lily's voice comes through the phone, slightly agitated, "Addy, where are you?"

"I lost track of time at work, Lily. I'll be be going home. Don't worry too much." I reassure her. She pauses for a moment to say something but decides otherwise and asks me to go home safe. "I promise to text you once I'm home. Don't worry too much, Lily. Goodnight!"

I halted at the 24/7 flower shop on my way home. I carefully selected a bouquet, envisioning the smile it would bring to Asher's face.  As I entered the penthouse, I noticed that the lights were on.

I walked in, expecting an empty home, only to find Asher chilling on the couch. London trip cut short, surprise level: 100. Surprised, I blurted out, ''When did you get back?'' Asher's cold response sent a chill down my spine; he didn't even spare a glance as he replied, ''Does it matter?''

I look at Asher, puzzled, and reply, "Well, it matters to me. What happened?" Asher's cold tone cuts through the air, and he replies, "Audrey, things have changed. We need to talk." I can't help but feel a sense of unease as Asher refers to me as Audrey instead of Blue.

My concern deepens, and I  cautiously ask Asher, "What's wrong?" The air in the room feels heavy with unspoken tension, and I anxiously waits for his response. Asher's words cut through the air, and I  feel a knot forming in my stomach. "What did I tell you about ruining my reputation before our marriage," he says, his tone cold and distant. "Ruining your reputation?" I reply, her voice laced with confusion.

As Asher shows me the article on his phone, my eyes widen at the headline: "New love life of Audrey Carter, trouble in paradise so soon." Shock and disbelief wash over me as I  realize the implications of the misleading article. The room feels heavy with tension as I  turn to Asher, searching for any sign of trust or understanding in his eyes and I find none.

Facing Asher, I  feel a surge of frustration. "This is all wrong," I  explain urgently. "We were just having lunch, and Joshua is my client, not someone I'm involved with. You have to believe me, Asher."  My voice carries a mix of desperation and sincerity as I  plead with him to trust me.

As I stare at Asher, a dark chuckle escapes him, and he retorts, "The picture says otherwise." His words hang heavily in the air, and my mind races, searching for a way to convey the truth, to make him understand that it was just a business lunch with Joshua, my client.

He further continues " Don't you think the fame you got by marrying is enough, that you go to lunch with a guy and have the audacity to call him a client. Wow Audrey". I call out to Asher, my voice carrying a mix of desperation and confusion, "Asher, please," but he cruelly cuts me off.

Asher's eyes fall upon the carefully arranged gift and flowers on the table, and he scoffs disdainfully. His harsh words cut through the air, and he accuses, "Wow, he's already given you gifts and flowers? I didn't realize you were a whore, Audrey."

The weight of his hurtful words becomes unbearable, and my hand reacts almost on its own accord, delivering a resounding slap across Asher's face. "Shut up!" I scream.

"Even if you don't trust me," I shout at Asher, frustration and hurt bubbling to the surface, "the least you could do was ask me what happened instead of accusing me!" As my words hang in the tense air, I notice a subtle shift in Asher's expression. A momentary softening, a flicker of realization.

The clock strikes 12, and I find myself gazing at the passing seconds. I chuckle humorlessly. Turning towards Asher, I offer a strained smile and wish him, "Happy one-month anniversary."

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