Chapter 64

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Christian and I are in the car, driving towards the location where Maya's phone was last tracked

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Christian and I are in the car, driving towards the location where Maya's phone was last tracked. It's late, and the streets are quiet, but there's this electricity in the air—the kind that makes you alert and tense. I'm behind the wheel, eyes fixed on the road, but my mind is racing with scenarios, all the worst-case ones.

"We can't just storm in," Christian says, leaning forward in the passenger seat. "If Mason's there, he'll bolt, and we'll lose him. We need a plan."

I nod, gripping the steering wheel tighter. "Yeah, we need to be smart about this," I reply. "If we alert him, Addy could get hurt. We can't take that risk."

Christian pulls up the map on his phone, studying the area. It's a rundown part of town, the kind with abandoned warehouses and broken-down factories. "We go in quietly," he suggests. "You take the front, and I'll circle around the back. If Mason's there, we'll box him in. No escape routes."

"Got it," I say, my mind mapping out the approach. "But we need to be quick. We don't know what he's planning or who else might be involved."

Christian nods, his expression grim. "I'll text Liam to stay put with Lily," he says, typing rapidly on his phone. "If Mason's got backup, we'll need them on standby."

"Good call," I reply. "And no sirens. We don't want to attract attention. Just us."

He shoots me a glance, his eyes sharp. "You ready for this?" he asks, like he's checking my resolve.

"I'm not stopping until Addy's safe," I say, my voice steady but laced with intensity. "Whatever it takes."

Christian grins, but there's no humor in it—just a shared understanding that we're in this together. "Let's go, then," he says, pointing to the next turn. "Stick to the plan, and we'll get her back."

I nod, feeling the adrenaline pumping through me. The plan is set. We just need to execute it. Smoothly, quietly, and with no room for error. Because this isn't just any rescue mission—this is about getting Addy back, and I won't let anything get in my way.

Christian and I park the car a few feet away from the last location we got from the police chief. It's dark, and the area is nothing but old warehouses, some with broken windows, others completely boarded up. We move quietly, sticking to the shadows, listening for any signs of life. It's eerily silent, which makes every little noise seem louder than it is.

We split up, each checking different warehouses, staying in touch with quick texts. It’s slow going, but we can’t afford to make a lot of noise and alert anyone. After about fifteen minutes, I spot something. It's a faint glow coming from one of the warehouses, like a cigarette burning in the dark. I signal to Christian, pointing toward the glow.

We inch closer, taking cover behind a stack of old crates. Sure enough, there's someone standing by the warehouse door, smoking. As we get a better view, I recognize her. It's Maya, the same one from my office. She's pacing a little, checking her phone, probably waiting for someone.

Christian and I crouch low, discussing how to move forward without alerting her. If we rush in, she might scream or call for backup. If we’re too loud, Mason could hear us and run. We need to be careful, strategic.

"We need to get around her," Christian whispers. "Find another way in without her seeing us."

I nod, keeping my voice low. "We can circle to the left, use the alley to get to the back of the warehouse. If there's a door there, we can sneak in without her noticing."

"Good plan," he replies, his eyes scanning the area. "I'll go first, you follow me. Stay low and keep quiet."

I give him a nod, my heart racing but my focus sharp. This is it—time to move. We can't afford to mess this up. Not when Addy’s life could be on the line. As Christian starts moving, I keep an eye on Maya, making sure she stays oblivious to our presence. If we do this right, we'll get in and out without anyone realizing we were here. If we don't... well, let's not think about that. Not now. We've got a job to do, and we can't afford to fail.

I'm crouched behind a stack of old crates, peeking through a crack to keep an eye on Maya as she paces around, still smoking. Christian is beside me, his eyes darting between her and the warehouse door. We need to get in without her noticing, and I spot a narrow gap between two large containers. It's not much, but it's a way in."Found a way," I whisper to Christian, pointing to the gap. "I can slip through and check things out. If it's clear, I'll signal you."He nods, his eyes sharp and focused. "Do it," he says.

"I'll head around to the back entrance, like we planned. If you find anything, let me know. I'll call for backup, but we need to move fast."I get ready to move, but before I do, Christian grabs my shoulder, his grip tight. "Asher, save my sister," he says, his voice serious but with an edge of urgency. "No matter what, bring her back safe."I give him a firm nod. "I will," I reply. "I'll find her." It's a promise.

I'm not going to let Addy down, not when she's counting on me.Christian disappears around the corner, heading for the back entrance, and I carefully make my way through the gap. It's tight, but I manage to squeeze through without making too much noise. Once on the other side, I find myself in a dimly lit hallway leading deeper into the warehouse. This is it. I need to stay focused, stay quiet, and most importantly, stay calm.

I'm slipping through the narrow gap, making sure to stay low and keep quiet. The last thing I need is to alert anyone, especially Mason. But just as I'm about to move into the hallway, I hear a noise—a shuffle of footsteps behind me. I turn, and there's Maya, spotting me from her smoking spot.

Her eyes widen, and she's about to yell.I can't let her make a scene. In one quick move, I rush toward her, clamping a hand over her mouth to stifle any noise. She struggles, but I'm faster, stronger. With a swift, precise strike, I knock her out. She crumples to the ground, unconscious, and I carefully lower her to keep it quiet. It's a relief she didn't have time to make a sound. If Mason hears even a whisper of what's happening, this whole thing could go sideways.

I take a deep breath, my heart pounding, and grab my phone. I quickly text Christian, letting him know I took care of Maya. He needs to know so he doesn't run into her and cause a commotion."Just took down Maya," I type. "She's out cold. Keep it quiet, and stick to the plan."I send the message and check my surroundings. The place is eerily silent, with only the distant hum of machinery from another part of the warehouse. It feels like we're running out of time, like we need to move fast before Mason realizes what's happening.

I step inside the warehouse, creeping forward as quietly as I can, but I come to an abrupt stop when I see Mason standing there with Addy at gunpoint. He's got that twisted smirk on his face, the kind that sends chills down your spine. As I get closer, he spots me, his eyes locking onto mine, and I freeze. He's got the upper hand, the gun pointed right at Addy, who looks terrified but somehow keeps it together. Our eyes meet, and I can see it—the fear, the plea for me to do something. But there's also this silent message, like she's begging me to stay safe, to be careful.

One wrong move, and this could turn deadly. I want to rush in, to take Mason down, but I know that could end badly for both of us. I have to be smart, think this through, because the last thing I want is for Addy to get hurt. So I stay put, my heart pounding, trying to come up with a plan.

Mason's got that look in his eye, the one that says he's enjoying this, and it's taking everything in me not to charge at him. But I can’t—Addy’s safety comes first, even if it means holding back for now. I just hope she knows that I'm here for her, and I won't let anything happen to her. Not on my watch.

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