Chapter 5

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Sitting at my desk, I couldn't escape the fact that it had been two days since that life-altering conversation with my parents.I had been avoiding sharing the details with my best friend, Lily.She had sensed my distress, and despite my efforts to deflect her questions and act as if nothing was wrong, she knew me well enough not to be fooled.

Lily had been persistent in asking what was troubling me, and the fact that I hadn't confided in her gnawed at my conscience. We had always been open and honest with each other, and now I was holding back something so significant.As I stared out of my office window, watching the city's ebb and flow, I couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt. I finally made the decision to confide in Lily.

With a sense of resolve, I picked up my phone and sent her a message: "Lily, can we meet for coffee later today? There's something important I need to share with you." The response came swiftly, "Of course, Addy. I'll be there. Is everything okay?"I took a deep breath and replied, "I'll explain when we meet. Thanks, Lily."

As we sat in the cozy coffee shop, the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee surrounded us. I took a deep breath and met Lily's gaze. Her eyes were filled with concern, and she was all ears, ready to listen and support me."Lily, there's something I need to tell you,"

As I revealed the truth about the arranged marriage with Asher to Lily, I couldn't help but notice her eyes widen in shock. The disappointment that shadowed her expression was like a heavy blow to my heart.

"Lily," I began, my voice trembling with regret, "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I was afraid and confused, and I didn't want to disappoint you."Lily let out a deep sigh, her disappointment giving way to a hint of understanding. "Audrey, you're my best friend. I may not have all the answers, but I'm here to support you, no matter what."

I nodded, my voice barely above a whisper, "I understand, Lily. I should have told you. I won't keep secrets like this from you again."Lily's expression softened, and she reached out to squeeze my hand gently. "We'll work through this together, Addy. No matter what decision you make, I'll be there for you."

She leaned in, her voice full of humor, and said, "Addy, I believe a delicious meal is the perfect way to make amends. You can even call it a 'forgiveness feast.'"I couldn't help but chuckle at her words. "Alright, Lily," I replied, playing along, "consider this the official 'forgiveness feast' invitation. I'll make sure it's a memorable one."

As the day wound down and it was time to say goodbye, Lily and I stood by our respective cars. The evening sun cast a warm, golden glow over the city, and the sound of bustling traffic surrounded us.With a fond smile, I said, "Thanks for understanding, Lily, and for giving me the chance to make things right. I promise we'll have that lunch tomorrow."Lily returned the smile, her eyes reflecting the understanding and support that had always defined our friendship. "I'll be looking forward to it, Addy. And remember, we'll get through this together".With that, we exchanged a brief hug and headed to our cars, driving off into the urban landscape.

As I entered my home I was stopped by my father.His gaze was intense, his eyes filled with a mix of hope and expectation. The weight of his unspoken question hung in the air as he finally spoke, "Audrey, have you made a decision about the proposal?"My heart sank, and I knew that I couldn't evade the subject any longer.
"Dad, I can't marry Asher." His patience had worn thin, and his voice took on a stern edge as he responded, "Audrey, you need to understand the importance of this decision. The Carter family is eagerly awaiting your response. This marriage would not only secure our family's future but strengthen our bonds with the Carters."

I hesitated, my mind a whirlwind of emotions and uncertainty. I know Asher doesn't like me and neither do I like him now and marrying him will never result in either of our happiness. I saw my mother entering the living room her eyes glancing between us in sense of understanding about what's going on.

"Addy, we've been patient, but you must agree to this marriage with Asher, otherwise we will be taking our investment back from your company and it will cause your shares to go down" my father said firmly. No, he can't do that , Lily and I worked very hard to establish ChicVoyage and bring it to the point where it was now

"Dad, you've always supported my fashion line. Why bring that into this?"
My father's tone grew harsher, "Addy, you have a choice to make. Agree to this marriage, and we'll continue supporting your fashion line. Refuse, and you'll lose that support." Tears welled up in my eyes as the ultimatum hit me hard. "You can't force me into a marriage like this. It's not fair." My mother tried to sound more empathetic, "We're not forcing you, Addy. We're just showing you the consequences of your decision."

"What about Asher, did he accept ?" I knew that he'll never accept it , then why force me.My father looked at me with a serious expression and said, "Audrey, we've spoken with Richard and Asher has accepted the proposal."
I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Asher, the man who had always seemed so distant and had openly shown his disdain for me, had agreed to this arrangement? It was like a twist in a story I couldn't have predicted.

My parents looked at me expectantly, waiting for my response. It took me a moment to find my voice, but when I did, I made a decision."I need to meet Asher in person and have a conversation with him before I can make any decisions about this marriage," I said firmly.My parents exchanged a look, and my father finally nodded. "That's a fair request, Audrey. We'll arrange a meeting with Asher."


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