Chapter 38

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Thinking back to a week ago, our honeymoon wrapped up like a dream

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Thinking back to a week ago, our honeymoon wrapped up like a dream. Santorini has got a special place in our story. The adventures, the laughs, and, of course, the kisses - it's like our love got its own upgrade.

Lily enters my cabin breaks the trance. She pulls me back to reality with a shoulder shake, giving me that "get back to work" look. Lily's my reality check, reminding me about our meeting. With a raised eyebrow, she's all business, "Focus, Addy. We need to wrap up before Christmas." I snap back to reality, meeting Lily's determined gaze. "You got it, boss lady. Christmas crunch time it is," I say.

Stepping into the conference hall with Lily, it's time to play the boss card. I lay out the vision for our new collection, excitement bubbling as I describe the styles, colors, and the vibe we're aiming for. Faces light up with enthusiasm, and I can feel the energy in the room.

I shoot Lily a glance, and she gives me that mischievous nod. Then, she steps forward, announcing the Christmas holidays like the holiday hero she is. "Starting tomorrow, folks! See you bright and early in the new year!" The cheers erupt, and I can't help but smile.

Amidst the cheers, I play the party pooper and go, "Hold up, hold up! Finish those pending tasks before you dive into the holiday bliss, okay? We've got dreams to chase in the new year." The room goes from cheers to a collective nod.

I ring up my assistant, summoning her to my cabin. When she walks in, I hand over a business class ticket, saying, "Home for the holidays. You deserve the upgrade. Merry Christmas!" My assistant's eyes light up, and before I know it, she pulls me into a hug, thanking me for the unexpected Christmas surprise.

Wrapped in Sarah's hug, I smile and say, "You deserve it, more than you know. Now go enjoy the holidays and soak in all that home sweetness. Merry Christmas!" In the midst of work chaos, Asher calls, and the first thing he asks is about his white turtleneck. I chuckle," Relax and check thoroughly, it'll be in the closet and now let me work, bye"

Midway through the work frenzy, Lily pops into my cabin, raising an eyebrow, "Done yet?" I give her a look that says, "Almost, give me a sec." Finally hitting that "done" status, I look up to Lily and say, "Finished, let's call it a day." She smirks and goes, "Great. I'll drop you home."

Lily gives me that sideways glance and goes, "Packing done for the holiday?" I grin and nod, "All set." My mother in law has called us two days after returning from Santorini and informed us that we'll celebrating Christmas and New year at their farmhouse along with my family, Lily's and also Liam's. I turn to Lily and ask, "Done with packing?" Lily, ever the efficient planner, nods and replies, "All set."

Lily drops me off at the penthouse, and as I step out, she surprises me with a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow," she says with a grin. I enter the penthouse, calling out for Asher. He comes into view with that grin of his and greets me with a casual "Hey, baby."

I look at Asher, who's acting unusually giddy, and ask, "Okay, spill it. Why are you grinning like you just won the lottery?" His eyes sparkle, and he replies, "Maybe I did." Before I can pry more info out of Asher, he swoops in for a kiss, like his secret weapon. It's one of those lingering, oh-so-sweet kisses that leaves me a bit breathless.

We break the kiss, and Asher hits me with that "I missed you, dear wife" line. It's cheesy, but the way he says it, all sincere and warm, turns it into this sweet moment. I shoot back a playful, "Missed you too, dear husband," with a grin. It's like a routine, but every time, it feels like the first.


Asher, ever the gentleman, puts our luggage in the car and opens the door for me. Taking Asher's hand in mine and say, "I want to try something." Asher raises a brow, waiting for me to continue. Taking a deep breath, I confess, "I want you to drive fast, despite my fear. It's time to face this, and I trust you to help me overcome it." His eyes soften, understanding the weight of that request.

Asher's eyes reflect concern as he replies, "You don't have to do this, Addy. Your well-being comes first." With a reassuring smile, I say, "I'm ready to do it, Asher. With you by my side, I know I can face this fear."

As we drive towards the farmhouse, Asher squeezes my hand whenever my nerves kick in.The familiar farmhouse comes into view, and as we pull up, I feel a mix of relief and triumph. As we step out of the car, Asher leans in, kisses me, and whispers, "I'm proud of you, Blue."

Just as Asher and I share a sweet moment, Liam honks, and Christian shouts, "Please keep it kids friendly!"Asher, muttering under his breath, asks, "Do we have to be here with them?" I chuckle, knowing the chaos that comes with family gatherings.

As Asher gets a phone call and excuses himself, the boys trail after him like little ducklings. I decide to escape the testosterone-fueled expedition and join Sophia, my sister-in-law, and Lily. Liam, with a concerned expression, approaches me and whispers, "Follow me quietly." We tread cautiously, and there's Asher, seemingly engrossed in a serious call, his hand on a girl's shoulder.

Lily utters a curse, Christian joins Liam, and I can't hold back the anger. I shout Asher's name, my tone laced with frustration and hurt. Asher turns to me, shock written all over his face. He quickly apologizes to the girl, rushes to my side, and desperately says, "It's a mistake, baby." A dry chuckle escapes me as I say, "Mistake?"

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