Chapter 26

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For the past fifteen days, I've been steadfast in my decision to ignore Asher's attempts to make amends

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For the past fifteen days, I've been steadfast in my decision to ignore Asher's attempts to make amends. Asher, in an attempt to apologize, sends flowers to my office every day, and on weekends, he cooks for me.

I took a mischievous delight in distributing the flowers he sent to me, to my staff, and on weekends, I deliberately ordered food, using it as a subtle way to reject his attempts at reconciliation.

I've been slyly saving the notes that accompany his daily flowers, a secret stash of apologies. And those meals he cooks?  I stealthily savor them under the cover of darkness, relishing the irony of enjoying his culinary efforts in secret while he sleeps.

Guarding my heart with precision, I resist his attempts at reconciliation. Once bitten, twice shy – I won't risk the fragile pieces of my heart being shattered again.

Joshua extended a genuine apology for the misleading article, despite Asher swiftly removing it to prevent further damage. Joshua is due to collect his suit today. "Sarah, is Joshua's suit ready?" I inquire, my voice carrying a subtle urgency.

Just when I'm asking about Joshua's suit, the guy decides to knock on the door. Talk about timing. As Joshua steps in, I meet him with a warm smile, excitement bubbling beneath the surface. "Hey Joshua, you ready for the grand suit reveal?" I say, hoping he senses my enthusiasm.

Joshua grins in response. "Ready as I'll ever be, Audrey. I can't wait to see what you've conjured up," he says. Sarah arrives with Joshua's suit draped over her arm, a glint of satisfaction in her eyes. "Here it is, Joshua. Addy worked her magic. Take a look, and let us know what you think," she says, her voice holding a subtle pride. I watch, eager for his reaction.

I hold my breath as Joshua's eyes light up, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "Addy, you nailed it! This suit is incredible," he exclaims, his excitement echoing my own. Relief and pride wash over me, and I can't help but share in his enthusiasm. "Phew, glad you like it, Joshua! It was a labor of love. You're going to rock that suit, my friend," I reply with a relieved grin, feeling a mix of pride and satisfaction.

As Joshua admires his suit, the door swings open, and Asher strides in, exuding an air of nonchalance. Asher's greeting catches me off guard, and before I can react, he envelops me in a tight hug. "Hello, wifey," he says, his tone a playful blend of mischief and affection. As Asher and Joshua exchange greetings, I shoot Asher glare, silently disapproving his arrival.

While Sarah smoothly collects the cheque from Joshua, my glare at Asher intensifies. He remains utterly unbothered, like he's immune to disapproving looks. As Joshua wraps up, he gives me a friendly hug. As Joshua goes in for a friendly hug, I feel Asher's disapproving gaze burning a hole through the back of my head. "Thanks, Addy. Can't wait to show off this suit," he says, and then turns to Asher with a nod. "See you around, man."

Asher puts on a fake smile that could rival a toothpaste commercial as he bids Joshua farewell. "Until next time, Joshua," he says, the forced cheerfulness in his tone not escaping my notice.

I turn towards Asher after Joshua's departure, expecting a bit of space, but nope, he's practically breathing down my neck. "Personal space, Asher. Heard of it?" I quip, taking a subtle step back, my irritation evident in the raised eyebrow.

I narrow my eyes at Asher, my patience wearing thin. "Alright, spill it. What are you doing here, and don't act like everything is normal between us. I'm not in the mood for your usual shenanigans," I say, a hint of irritation coloring my tone as I wait for an explanation.

Asher's tired sigh echoes in the room, and he looks at me with a hint of frustration. "Everything would be normal between us if you would acknowledge my efforts and forgive me," he says. I give Asher the silent treatment, a masterclass in conveying my annoyance without saying a word.

As Asher closes the distance, I feel the tension rising. He traps me between his presence and the desk, the air thick with unresolved emotions. "What... what are you doing?" I stammer, the proximity making my usual composure falter.

Asher's response is a mix of frustration and vulnerability. "Tell me, what are you doing? Don't you think I wouldn't notice the notes  I send that you keep or the food I cook that mysteriously disappears when you assume I'm asleep,"

I raise an eyebrow, a mixture of annoyance and surprise. "Oh, is this the 'I'm watching you' speech? Didn't realize I had my own personal detective," I retort, trying to mask the fact that his observation hits closer to home than I'd like to admit.

Asher's playfulness fades, replaced by a more earnest expression. "Seriously, Addy, what's it going to take? I've been cooking, writing notes, trying to make amends... why won't you forgive me?" I meet Asher's gaze, a hint of skepticism in my eyes. "Do you really think cooking and notes will magically fix everything?" I ask.

Asher's question hangs in the air, and I take a moment to consider my response. "What do I want him to do?" I ponder, realizing that clarity in communication might be the key. "I want an apology that feels genuine, Asher, and actions that speak louder than promises," I reply.

I finish speaking, expecting some form of acknowledgment, but to my surprise, he kneels in front of me.

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