♡ Chapter 9- Clauses ♡

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~ Oberoi industries

"Because you belong to my family now," Shivaay answered, holding her gaze. The lift door opened as they reached the cabin floor, breaking their staring session.

Had he already begun including her in his family? No, it shouldn't happen this way. She shouldn't give him any hopes for the future. It's better to make it clear from the start through her actions, she thought. Even though this whole proposal is just a plan for her, she doesn't want to cause him heartbreak. She should make him hate her, she thought.

~ AS mansion

••• [ Before 20 minutes]

Ajay and Tej gave each other a high-five as Annika and Shivaay left towards the mansion door.

"I must say, Rudra is brilliant at making plans," Ajay praised.

"The only thing he's good at. When he found out about us visiting here and going to Oberoi Industries in the morning, he thought to send Annika and Shivaay together to make them spend some time. I wish he shows this intelligence in his studies one day," Tej commented. Ajay chuckled at that.

They started having random talks, and after a few minutes, Tej burst into laughter, remembering something. Ajay looked at him strangely.

"What happened to you suddenly, Tej?" he asked annoyingly due to not sharing the joke with him.

"You don't know how I was holding back my laughter while Annika was making you drink espresso, 'your favorite black liquid,'" Tej said, still laughing, while Ajay made a grumpy face, recalling the taste of the liquid.

"Come on, Ajay, don't be a grumpy man," Tej said, looking at his still-laughing face.

"Stop laughing at me, man," Ajay told him with a frown.

"Okay. But I must say, she is something else. You don't know how I controlled my laughter seeing how she gave it back to you for trying to make her things she doesn't want, taking advantage of the situation. You both are very good actors. How well you both played being the doting niece and doting uncle. I bet Shivaay didn't even get any hint of your Cold War," he said with a laugh.

"Didn't you get enough entertainment today? Stop laughing, Tej. I think you've laughed enough at me now," Ajay told him, frowning.

"No, I wish you'd call me daily to witness this entertainment," Tej teased. Before Ajay could reply, Tej's phone started ringing. Kalyani was calling him.

"Hello, Mom. Good morning," Tej greeted her.

"Good morning, son. Why didn't you inform me about going to your friend's house today?" she asked.

"Mom, you were sleeping yesterday. I didn't want to disturb you, and we left early in the morning, but I told Om and Rudy to inform you about it," Tej replied.

"Yes, son, they informed. I'm asking you about informing me beforehand because I want to send them some gifts as Shivaay is going there for the first time," Kalyani explained.

"Mom, why fear when Shivaay is here; he already did that. I didn't even have that thought, but my son stopped in the middle and purchased them gifts. He learned good values from you, Mom, and I'm proud of him," Tej answered, and they all had warm smiles spreading on their faces, thinking about Shivaay.

"I know my Billu is the best. Tej, I called you to ask if it's possible for both of them to come here tomorrow. We all can have a talk and call the pandit to fix marriage dates," Kalyani asked him.

"Okay, wait, Mom. I will ask Ajay once," Tej said, putting the call on hold.

"Ajay, Mom is asking whether we can meet tomorrow at Oberoi Mansion. We can have talks and fix the dates tomorrow," Tej asked him.

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