♡ Chapter 36- Please be safe ♡

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" Why are you telling no to the trek, Anni? Let the doctor answer my question. I already went on another trek before, " Shivaay said standing up and looking at her with confusion.

" Thank you, doctor, " Annika said, avoiding his questions and started moving out holding his hands. They both went out of the cabin.

"Anni, Just listen to me," Shivaay said while walking with her.

"Anni, why are you silent," Shivaay called her again.

"Stop being silent," Shivaay said with a fed-up tone. She is just ignoring his words and started taking him outside of the hospital. He too stayed silent not to disturb the hospital environment.

When they reached the garden and isolated area Shivaay stood at his place. Annika sensing him not walking stopped at her place, she didn't turn towards him. There is something going on within her. There is a fear built inside her heart, this fear she is facing after years, it's suffocating her thoughts. After losing so many things and people in her life she thought there was nothing to fear for her anymore. She didn't even fear about her death but the thought of Shivaay having such a condition brought fear back in her life. Even when he said he is doing better now, that didn't make her feel totally relieved because as his health is totally dependent on medicines, if there is any skip in those, then it will put his health at risk or in a severe case much worse, that thought itself made her heart beat faster in fear. Nothing should happen to him nothing. She shook her head in no,  in trace, closing her eyes.

Shivaay stood there silent and staring at her; he has never seen her fear like this except on the day she had a concussion. Generally, she doesn't fear anything and doesn't get effected by anything; Ajay uncle had told him how she fears nothing, but he gifted her that, she made him feel special every time and in return what he had gifted her? That's why he doesn't want to bother anyone with his issues. He hates that part of his life. He doesn't want to tell her today too, but because of circumstances he can't avoid telling her. But anyway If not now then she would have gotten to know somehow in the future. This thing can't be hidden for much time. He didn't like the way it came out.

When he saw Annika closing her eyes and shaking her head, he came out of his thoughts and went near her. He held her shoulder with the other hand gaining her attention.

She hugged him suddenly with force and held him tightly. She placed her hand and head on his heart; Shivaay was surprised because for the first time in her conscious state she was initiating their hug. He hugged her back. She caressed his heart with her hands increasing its beats pace and sensing that she rubbed there soothingly making it calm. They stayed in the same position for a while. After a second, she lifted her head from the same position and looked into his eyes and stared at them deeply. She desperately needs assurance from him— that nothing will happen to him and his heart will stay healthy forever and his condition would never affect him in any way; she is searching his eyes for assurance because maybe he may lie but his expressive eyes never lie. Shivaay looked into her eyes; she said his eyes are expressive but from the time she accepted his friendship, he understood how expressive her eyes are because she started expressing her emotions from then, right now he can see the way her eyes are searching for assurance from him and how her eyes held fear about his condition.

"Am fine Anni, trust me," Shivaay said holding her hand which is placed near his heart. He gave her assurance too through his eyes.

"Please don't let anything happen to it, You will always take care of it right?," Annika said caressing his heart. He can sense how desperate she was to hear that.

"I will Anni, don't worry," Shivaay said giving her an assuring smile.

"This is so precious to me SSO, just remember the day you show negligence to it and cause it a little trouble then consequences don't be good. You will see the worst side of me. That side you didn't have seen before," Annika said caressing his heart looking at his eyes with warning which is saying she meant every word which she said.

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