♡ Chapter 40- Homecoming to Mumbai ♡

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"Then I'm okay," she whispered, caressing his hair. Shivaay looked into her eyes and smiled warmly listening to those words, but why she is not smiling?

"Close your eyes and rest, I will wake you up after reaching," Annika said, caressing his hair. Shivaay nodded his head and leaned on her shoulder.

They both stayed in the same position. Shivaay just closed his eyes and he is not feeling sleepy, both are busy in their own thoughts. The chopper landed in Gulaba after 20 minutes.

They all came out, and Megha suggested they stay in the same home, They agreed and went near their car. Annika held Shivaay protectively in her arms in the entire journey. Vikram stopped the car at a nearby hotel, brought packed lunch for all of them, and then they all reached home. Everyone went to their respective rooms to arrange their things.

"How are you feeling now?" Annika asked, holding his hand. She examined his face for any uneasiness and felt relief after seeing him okay.

"I'm fine, Anni," he said with a smile. She nodded and went towards her bag.

"Okay, you first go and fresh up, I will arrange lunch for us in the room," Annika said removing important things from the bag. Shivaay nodded his head and went to have a bath. After he came out he saw Annika brought food for them. He saw she already got fresh up. Maybe she went to Megha's room, he thought. She looked at him and gestured for him to sit on the bed. Shivaay obliged, she sat beside him and served food in one plate.

"Eat," she said, forwarding him a spoon. He ate it silently. When he was about to take another spoon, Annika held his hand.

"You first eat and have your medicines. It will make you sleep and remove all your tiredness. Sleeping is necessary for you; I will have it after you," Annika said, forwarding another spoon.

"I won't have it without you," Shivaay said, turning his face away from her, making her sigh.

"Fine," Annika said and took another spoon and ate. He saw how forcefully she ate it as if she was doing a favor for him. He looked at her grumpily, not opening his mouth for the other morsel she forwarded.

"Now what do you want? Can't you understand you have to take medicines!" Annika said with slight anger. She is just feeling anger from the time that happened to him. Is she feeling anger on herself for making him suffer even for a few minutes, or the fear she faced converted into Anger? She doesn't know.

"You are not smiling; now you are shouting at me," he complained grumpily like a kid, trying to change her mood. He knows that she didn't come out of her fear yet; that is what is making her frustrated.

Looking at his baby face melted her anger; is it possible that the anger we feel on our own self will melt away looking at others?

"I am sorry; now eat," Annika said, giving him a warm smile, making him smile widely. Shivaay opened his mouth and ate happily without any argument. Her smile always calms his all irrational thoughts. Annika made him eat, and she ate on her own, and they both completed their lunch. After that, she gave him medicine, and he took it.

She sat beside him and adjusted the pillow.

"Come here and sleep now," Annika said, opening her arms. Shivaay smiled looking at that leaned on her shoulder. Annika took him in her arms and caressed his hair. He closed his eyes at the feeling.

"You too sleep, please, you didn't sleep at all the entire night," he said with a worried voice.

"I will, but you sleep first. If you argue with me about it, then I won't even stay in this room. I have so much pending work to look after, so I will go and do that," Annika said strictly, caressing his hair. He stayed silent after that. Feeling drowsy due to medicine, he went into slumber. Annika just kept on staring at his sleeping figure. They are leaving for Mumbai the day after tomorrow. It's better to have rest for him for another day before traveling and going into his busy life again. He woke up at dinner time directly, and they had dinner together. He again slept afterward because of medicines; the whole day he did nothing except sleeping. Annika pretended she was sleeping to stop any argument regarding this again. She didn't even care about her health because his health is her priority. In the early morning again like yesterday he whispered something like 'don't...' and those words are so unclear. She caressed his heart and hair which made him calm down, sending him to sleep again.

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