♡ Chapter 19 - Beach ♡

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~ Oberoi Mansion

"You are caring but don't want to show that to the world. How mysterious you can be, Ms. Raizadha?" he thought, looking at her with a warm smile.

He started eating silently. Both completed their dinner and headed towards the hall, seating themselves on the sofa. Shivaay didn't find Omru there.

"Ms. Raizadha, do you still feel pain in your leg?" Shivaay asked her with concern. She nodded her head in 'No,' looking at him.

Annika's phone beeped. She received a message from Khan about his arrival.

"Mr. Oberoi, I will leave now. Mr. Khan has arrived," Annika said. Shivaay nodded his head.

Annika started leaving from there, but she saw Shivaay walking beside her. She knew he was going to escort her to her car. They both walked in silence, the wind flowing in the night weather. Annika was looking straight, but Shivaay occasionally glanced at her. Loose strands were falling on her face, disturbing his view. He remembered an earlier incident. He wanted to tuck those strands again behind her ears so that he could get a clear view of her face. He realized what he was thinking and scolded himself for that. What was happening to him? He had never had these foolish thoughts before. His thoughts halted as they reached near her car."

Khan came and opened the door for her. She settled inside without looking at him.

"Good evening, Ms. Raizadha. Take care and don't forget to take your medicines after going home," Shivaay bent down towards her window, gave her a warm smile, and moved back. She looked towards him, stared at him for a second, and gave a small nod.

~ Annika

The car started moving from there. She could see Shivaay from the side-view mirror. He was still standing there with a smile on his face. More than confusing her, this time, that smile gave her comfort. She closed her eyes to stop thinking about anything at the moment. She was not supposed to feel anything like that. It's just that she had become accustomed to his smile, so it's just her brain messing with her, she told herself.

Khan stooped in between, making her eyes open. She saw Khanna standing there in front at some distance. Khanna approached near the car, and she moved out of it.

"How are you, Ma'am?" Khanna asked. His voice held worry. He wanted to ask about her well-being after meeting her, but he knew she didn't like anyone showing care, especially in front of others, so he kept quiet about it. When he came to know about the incident, he was so angry at the people who did this and didn't want to let them off. He wanted to immediately come here for her protection, but he knew she wouldn't allow it. After that, Khan and Vikram informed him that he needed to be here, which surprised him so much. At first, he thought it was for AS Mansion's safety, which confused him, but later he came to know about how she wanted him to be the bodyguard of Mr. Oberoi. This surprised not only him but also Vikram, Khan, and whoever knew her.

"This small scratch will do nothing to me," Annika said with a smirk playing on her face. Khanna looked at her. He had known her from childhood. He is 10 years older than her. He would never forget what she had done for him and his mother. He missed her carefree side and the smile on her face. She used to spread smiles on everyone's faces. When she was a child, she couldn't stand to see anyone in pain, whether she knew them or not. But one incident took everything from her. Just the thought of it was enough to make anyone shiver. How could he expect her to be her old self when she went through so much? Yet, he knew that she was just masking her true self. It was still there inside her. She still did so much for her people and didn't show it to anyone. She just didn't accept their love and care now.

"Have you people shown the photo of Mrs. Roop Oberoi to that person? Is she the same one?" she asked.

"Yes, ma'am. She is the one who hired that person. I got a call from Vikram just now," Khan informed.

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