♡ Chapter 30 - Caring Shivaay ♡

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He took her in a sudden hug, surprising her, and sniffed silently. He made sure he didn't cause pain to her wounds. Annika rubbed his back with her free hand to console him. She slowly leaned on his shoulder. She, in this moment, wants this comfort and warmth after facing her dreadful past. She needs escape, and his warmth and care are providing her that.

They stayed in the same position for a while. Shivaay remembered her state and moved away from her, looking at her in worry.

"I didn't hurt you, right? Did you get hurt in any other place?" Shivaay asked her in worry. Annika didn't say anything, just nodded her head in No.

"Sir, doctor arrived," Khanna said coming towards them. Shivaay quickly wiped his tears before Khanna could see them.

They both saw a doctor of middle age entering inside. He is the brother of this house owner, and he knows both of them. He is the one who informed about the climate here to Tej and who gave this house for cleaning before Shivaay and Annika are arriving. Shivaay and Annika both have seen his photo while coming here, and Shivaay talked to him when he came to Manali on the phone.

Khanna and Vikram both are aware of him too. So, when Khanna came to know about Annika's condition from Vikram, he immediately contacted him and told about Annika's condition and requested him to come home to treat her.

Shivaay got up from his place to let the doctor sit beside Annika, and he went and stood beside her. The doctor started checking Annika's wounds and did dressing for her injuries.

"Are you feeling a headache, nausea, or dizziness right now?" The doctor asked her.

Annika nodded her head in No.

"Did you hit your head somewhere?" The doctor asked. Annika didn't answer and kept quiet. Shivaay too looked at her for answers.

"Yes, her head was hit on a rough wall, sir," Vikram answered, after seeing Annika's silent state. They all looked at Annika, and she seemed to zone out again. Vikram was seeing her zone out from the time of the journey to home. Shivaay looked at Vikram in anger.

"After examining, the external impact on her forehead is not a big one, but usually, people who get hit on the brain get a concussion, which is a mild traumatic brain injury. The symptoms may not be shown automatically. It will take hours sometime. I think she didn't have symptoms yet," Doctor said looking at Shivaay.

"Uncle, it's not a serious one, right? If it's a serious one, we can take her to the hospital," Shivaay said in a panic tone and looking at her in worry.

"I am fine. I don't need anything," Annika said with a straight face gaining everyone's attention.

"Just shut up," Shivaay glared at her with anger and looked at the doctor for an answer.

"No Shivaay. No need to take her to the hospital as of now. She didn't develop any symptoms now, but you should monitor her. We can't say the exact symptoms the individual is going to experience; it varies with the individual and depending on the severity. You see if she has any symptoms like confusion, headache, dizziness, nausea, change in mood, fatigue, sensitivity to light or noise. If she is having any of these, then she has a concussion. Sometimes it lasts within hours, or in some cases, it will take days. She may have a fever too because the immune system becomes activated in such cases. There's no specific cure for a concussion. Rest and restricting activities allow the brain to recover. But she will need immediate medical help if she loses her consciousness, worsening headache, repeated vomiting, and difficulty in breathing. In such cases, just contact me immediately, okay," the doctor said, getting up from his place. Shivaay looked panicked after listening to his words.

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