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"How can you do something like this, Haider? Do you consider marriage as a joke? When you wished, you wedded someone and when you didn't, you abandoned it. And now announcing it proudly that you had a contract marriage. A game which you and that girl played? She seemed so naive and here look what she did. She was deceiving us all along with her innocence and sweetness," Aqia clapped back as she didn't know how to control her anger.

Haider who first was hearing her silently after bearing a slap from his mother completely lost it at Ishmal's mention. "Don't talk about her. She wasn't deceiving anyone. It's all done by me so talk to me, not involve her in it."

"Oh so was she so pure and nice that she married any stranger. It must be due to money, right? Tell me, how much money you gave her in exchange for marrying you?" Aqia said in sarcasm.

Haider's eyes became hard at these weird accusations against Ishmal by his own mother. Why was she going completely off track? It was his doing. He had used her helplessness as his owl's ulterior motive.

"Stop this Mom. She has gone so don't bring her into her talks negatively like this again and again. She got nothing from me except the shelter of this house for these four months," he told her, truthfully controlling his rage.

From the very beginning, the selfish man in him perhaps wanted freedom by making Ishmal bad in front of his parents at the time of divorce. But he didn't know that she would become one even without him saying and wanting anything like that.

Tashfeen held Aqia's arm and pulled her behind. He knew his wife would get extra hyper and get high blood pressure very soon. And besides, this issue needed to be talked about calmly. What happened had already happened. What is required now is to make things in the future more smooth and less complicated.

"Four months, Haider. And you keep on making us ignorant for four months. That wasn't expected of you. Why did you have to do this?" Tashfeen asked.

Haider smirked. "Are you asking me, Dad? You guys had made my life hell. Did you forget that? On every occasion, every time, and every day, you guys couldn't stop forcing your wish to have a daughter-in-law and heirs on me. Then what could I do?"

"So to avoid this you played this game with us? You thought of us as fools. Don't know who that girl was, what was her motive, and where from she came from and you made her live among us," Aqia let out her wrath again by indulging in the discussion.

"Aqia, please. I am talking to him, right? Let me do it," Tashfeen narrowed his eyes at his wife.

Unaiza came to Aqia and made her sit on to sofa. After obvious resistance, she did listen to her husband. Meanwhile, Huzaifa shook his head at this whole scene and conversation. Thankfully Hiba was still sleeping yet or she would have already cried finding her teacher cum sister-in-law already absent from her life.

Tashfeen again looked at Haider. "But we wanted the good for you. We weren't mean or selfish. You needed a life partner and children of course. We wanted to see you happy that's why we were urging you."

Haider opened his both arms in the air. "Then see. That's what had happened because of your urge. My life and heart have no place for a woman. Even if I forcefully try to make one, I can't bring myself to become nice, loving, and accepting. Those layers of indifference and insolence won't rub off me anytime. No woman can be happy with me. And you guys should know this by now."

Aqia who was listening to this with trouble couldn't hear anymore. She stood up without caring for Unaiza's call for her and scrambled towards Haider. 

Aqia glared at him. "Till how long are you going to mourn that Nisha got married to Sufiyan Ahmad's son? You yourself called off that marriage because we all thought she had an affair with that guy. After everything, when she had forgotten it and moved on with her life, why can't you do so? My heart hurts when I see her happy with that guy who stole our happiness and then you who isn't coming out of what happened years---"

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