Hope is All We Have Now

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Asuna kept on stabbing you, until you closed your eyes.

Your POV
"Am I dead? What happened to me? Where's Kirito? Did the potion really work on him?", I thought. In my mind, I heard Kirito saying, "Wake up, please. Don't let me be alone."

Regular POV
You slowly opened your eyes, and saw Kirito laying on the floor, as if he was dead. You had forgotten you were in chains and tried to run to him. The chains pulled you back, but with your anger nothing stood in your way. You tried to look for the bobby pin you put in your hair in the morning and you managed unlocked the chains.

You ran to Kirito, with tears running down your eyes. You lifted his head and put it on your lap, one of your tears dropped onto his face and that woke him up. As he sat up, you stared at him hoping the potion didn't work. When he turned around and looked into your sad /color/ eyes, you froze unable to speak. Kirito asked you in a scared voice, "W...who are you??"

To be Continued....

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