The Spriggan and Sylph

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You led him into your room, and you took off Kirito's jacket and gave it back to him. You put on a t-shirt and a skirt. You said you were done and he said, " You look cute. Lets go."

You and Kirito appeared at the Gate of Beginnings, holding hands. Kirito held it slightly up and said, "See? We're meant to be together in the real world and in a game." You blushed from his words, but you smiled and nodded. Kirito looked somewhat like his real life self, but you looked totally different, you had light green wavy hair and you were wearing a gown with a bow on the side.

You were walking down town with him and he said, "Lets get a room, I'll pay." You said giggling, "Okay, but I've got to pay something sometime. I feel like I'm relying on you a lot." Kirito looked at you with a smile and said, "Isn't that my job as your boyfriend?"

Kirito got a room and you both went in, Kirito took off your clothes for you as usual. He looked at you smiling, you looked into his eyes and you started blushing. You said, "Kirito, take off your clothes. It's really embarrassing when it's just me."

"Alright. Alright." Then you were both naked, Kirito started to suck on your breasts...... you moaned and said, "We haven't done this in a while so this feels so new to me. But don't hold back."

"Of Course,/your name/."

To be continued..........

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