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                     " On a momentous day, Adharv, an individual known for his affinity for sleep, remained ensconced in slumber. His alarm, sounding at regular intervals, met with futile attempts to silence it as he swatted it away and returned to snoring. Moments later, he sprang out of bed, abruptly aware of the importance of the day at hand. Regret for his oversleeping washed over him as he realized he had but a scant half-hour to prepare and make it to college punctually.

In a rush, he headed for the bathroom, opting for mouth spray as a time-saving measure over the traditional toothbrush and forgoing his usual morning bath. Employing body spray to mask any lingering vestiges of body odor, he meticulously selected the most appropriate attire from his wardrobe and saw to its immaculate presentation with a quick ironing. Darting forth on his motorcycle at maximum velocity, he was determined to arrive without delay.

Adharv was currently engaged in postgraduate studies in history at Delhi University College, a field that scarcely captivated his interest. His sole motivation for choosing this particular subject was a young lady in his undergraduate class whom he deeply admired. His initial quest for admission had proven challenging due to his modest academic performance, until his affluent parents, both billionaires, facilitated his acceptance through a substantial donation to the institution.

Though he managed to reach the college on time, he found himself three minutes tardy for the project group's discussion. The object of his admiration, Jewelz, was the group's leader, and her discontentment with his recurrent negligence was palpable. Remarkably, Adharv seemed to derive some strange satisfaction from being the recipient of her reprimands. She, in turn, appeared more beguiling when cloaked in irritation. Jewelz possessed striking azure eyes and vibrant blue tresses, endowing her with a conspicuous allure. Within their academic cohort, she was polarizing, due to her stern and unyielding demeanor, generating dislike among many.

The group collectively elected to convene at Beverly's residence for project-related work. Her home was chosen due to its proximity to the college, a convenient choice embraced by all, save for Jewelz, who faced a substantial commute. Beverly proposed an elegant solution—Adharv would provide transportation. His elation was concealed beneath an air of reluctant acceptance, a nuance not lost on the discerning Jewelz.

Following the discourse at Beverly's domicile, the assembly dispersed post-dinner. A majority of the participants were residents of the college hostel, and Adharv was pleased that their accommodations were within close reach. Yet, an unsettling apprehension began to take root within him. Jewelz assumed her position on his motorbike, a gesture that elicited a tumultuous surge of emotion within Adharv. His hands quivered, the manifestation of a proclivity for reticence that had invariably inhibited his interactions with the opposite sex."

The journey started smoothly, but soon the bike ran out of fuel, shattering Adharv's dreams. He felt a shiver of anxiety. Glancing at Jewelz, he noticed her watching him closely.

Adharv tried to reassure her with a smile, saying that everything would be fine. Jewelz checked her watch, realizing it was getting late, and suggested walking home. However, Adharv requested just five more minutes.

"I can't wait any longer," Jewelz said and started walking.

Adharv panicked. He hadn't had a proper chance to talk to her. He decided he couldn't let this opportunity slip away, parked his bike, and hurried after her.

"Wait, I'll walk you home," he insisted.

Jewelz turned around and stated that she was fine without his company.

Adharv responded, "I can't let you go alone. The others would criticize me if they found out you walked home alone."

She smiled with a touch of disdain. "They don't care about me. I know everyone in the class dislikes me, but I'm okay with it."

Adharv sensed the weight of negativity in her words. She regretted her behavior toward others, but she likely had her reasons.

Adharv pondered what to ask her next, finally deciding to inquire about her family, although he was apprehensive.

"You never talk about your family," Adharv asked.

Jewelz glanced at him and replied, "Why do you keep talking? Can't you be quiet for a while? You're really not great at talking to women."

Adharv wasn't surprised by her response, but it drained the last of his courage, rendering him silent.

The street was quiet, with the sound of leaves rustling in the gentle breeze. Adharv's silence started to irritate him, and he made various odd expressions to cope with the situation. He walked behind Jewelz, thinking she wouldn't notice. He reached for his phone to send a message but suddenly remembered that his phone's wallpaper featured a picture of Jewelz from Instagram. He hastily returned it to his pocket.

"Don't your family worry if you're late?" Jewelz inquired.

Adharv felt more at ease as she engaged with him. "I live alone, and they don't even notice if I'm late. They're always busy making money," he replied. "There's no issue. I prefer being alone. Their lives are always hectic, and I'm more of an explorer."

Jewelz was surprised by Adharv's response, realizing they had some similarities.

"My parents died in an accident, leaving my sister Melissa and me alone," Jewelz explained. "My father was American, and my mother was Indian. My sister, Melissa, works as a scientist at the Metalife Mumbai branch."

Adharv inquired, "So you live alone here?"

"Yes," she replied.

"You're more talkative than I expected," Adharv remarked, and she smiled. As they neared her house, she pointed out that it was the fourth one on the left and suggested that Adharv could leave if he needed to tend to his Here's a refined version of your story:

Adharv accepted her suggestion and fell silent, uncertain of what to say next. As he gazed at her house, he couldn't help but feel it was quite luxurious. Curiosity got the best of him, and he asked if she came from a wealthy background.

"My family worked at one of the top private research facilities, didn't I tell you?" she replied.

"I don't recall hearing about it," Adharv admitted. "Anyway, goodnight. See you tomorrow." He had a smile on his face.

Jewelz blushed and expressed her anticipation, expecting Adharv to propose to her since he had the chance. Adharv's smile faded, and he grew tense, struggling to find the right words. He became nervous.

Seeing his reaction, Jewelz burst into laughter and assured him not to panic, saying she wouldn't bite. In fact, she liked him too and had noticed his reactions when she scolded him. She had confirmed it when Adharv chose to pursue post-graduation in a subject he disliked just to be closer to her.

Adharv blushed but remained uncertain and confused. He considered proposing to her right then but feared that his words might ruin the moment. At that moment, he found Jewelz even more attractive, sensing that she was waiting for him to say, "I LOVE YOU."

"I'm not actually like this," Adharv said, somewhat dazed. "I was trying to impress you just now. You won't like my real behavior."

Jewelz's response surprised Adharv again. She admitted she had been observing him for the past two years, knowing that he could be lazy, irresponsible, and reckless. Strangely, she found that amusing because she was much the same way, and she believed they would make an amazing couple. Saying that, Jewelz hugged him.

Adharv was stunned, unable to believe his luck. Everything felt like a dream. Just as he was beginning to process it all, he received an unexpected call from his parents, who were rarely in touch due to their international business commitments.

Adharv explained to Jewelz that he needed to leave immediately.

Jewelz wished him goodnight and reminded him not to be late for college the next day. Adharv smiled, hailed a cab, and headed to the place where he typically met his parents.

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