Beast's Massacre

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Upon exiting the lift, Adharv confronted a macabre scene. The narrow, dimly lit corridor stretched out before him, flanked by walls marked with bloodstains and claw-like gouges. The distant sounds of gunshots filled the air, urging him to quicken his pace.

Descending a set of steps, he was greeted by an overwhelming stench of fresh blood and the gruesome sight of carnage. Bloodstains adorned the walls, and a gruesome display of a man's lower body, with organs strewn across the floor, turned Adharv's stomach. He hastily retreated, struggling to contain his revulsion.

The horrors only intensified as he proceeded. In one room, he came upon a grotesque pile of decapitated heads, with the floor soaked in blood and flesh.

Despite the overwhelming terror, Adharv's determination drove him onward. The distant gunshots and the desperate cries of a man fueled his resolve. He couldn't help but fear for Jewels, but he clung to his intuition, convinced that unraveling the dark secrets of this place was the key to finding her and putting an end to this nightmare.

The walls and floor were inked with blood and decorated with human flesh, Adharv made every single step carefully and without stepping on the parts of the body on the floor. He vomited on seeing the person who was pinned to the walls with his body cut wide open, his internal organs were partially outside and the disgusting stench of that created torpidity in his mind.
Finally, Adharv reached the place where he heard the gunshot for the third time. For him, the past few minutes were like swimming in a mossy pond where the water is human blood and the moss is human flesh. He never wanted to think of the sights he had seen.

As Adharv pressed on through the vast, eerie space that resembled the central storage facility of the center, he remained vigilant, taking in his macabre surroundings. Inadvertently, his foot landed on the bruised, disfigured face of a lifeless individual, sending shivers of fear down his spine. The horrific scenes he had encountered weighed heavily on his mind, leaving him to contemplate what kind of malevolence could unleash such brutality, reminiscent of a frenzied and savage beast's rampage.

As Adharv observed from his vantage point above, he witnessed a tense and chaotic scene unfold below. Two terrified men, gripped by fear, were sprawled on the floor, their trembling hands clutching their guns, scanning the surroundings for an unknown threat. Suddenly, a sharp thud reverberated from their right, prompting them to react with panic, blindly unleashing a hail of bullets into thin air. Their frantic shouts and gunfire filled the room, yet there seemed to be no visible target in sight, leaving them bewildered as they frantically searched for an unseen enemy.

Adharv found himself torn between curiosity and fear, unsure of what he might uncover below but compelled to stay and unravel the mystery.

In that dire moment, something swift, like a fleeting shadow, darted past those men. They couldn't hope to catch it, but they knew their end was imminent. With trembling hands, they lowered their weapons and fell to their knees, voices quivering as they pleaded, "Finish it."

Responding to their desperate cries, a nightmarish, humanoid creature materialized before them. With unnaturally quick movements, it reached into their chests, extracting their still-beating hearts with its bare, bloodied hands. In a grotesque and horrifying spectacle, the creature devoured their hearts, sealing their grim fate within the enigma of Metalife's dark secrets.

Adharv stood there in shock, his heart racing as he tried to comprehend the horrifying scene before him. The monstrous creature he had witnessed, a towering 7-foot-tall masculine humanoid, was unlike anything he had ever encountered, except in the darkest of horror movies.

Driven by a mix of terror and curiosity, Adharv decided to capture evidence of this unimaginable sight with his smartphone. He cautiously raised his phone, hoping to discreetly snap a photo of the creature to share with the world. However, an oversight in his phone settings left the flash on, and a sudden burst of light pierced the darkness.

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