15 long years

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Adam, the entity, sat within the depths of the forest, perched upon the hilly terrain, cloaked in secrecy from the tumultuous battlefield unfolding nearby. His unique ability to commune with the wolves and perceive the world through their eyes granted him unparalleled insight into the events transpiring at each entrance of the facility. Despite the wolves succumbing to enemy fire, Adam remained undeterred, maintaining his vigil over the unfolding chaos.

From his vantage point, Adam bore witness to the entirety of the skirmish, observing with satisfaction as his loyal guards executed their duties with precision and skill. He took pride in their unwavering dedication and the successful outcome of their efforts, noting with approval the tactical retreat of the soldiers deployed by the facility.

In the solitude of the forest, Adam remained a silent but formidable presence, orchestrating his plans with calculated patience and determination for the success of this attack.

With a resolve burning in his eyes, Adam decided to join his men on the battlefield. He commanded Beast, the loyal wolf upon which he rode, to carry him swiftly to the entrance where the conflict raged. Without hesitation, Beast obeyed, navigating through the dense woods and treacherous terrain with unparalleled speed.

Arriving at the main entrance in a blur of motion, Adam dismounted from Beast, greeted by the reverent bows of his guards. With a commanding presence, he addressed his men, expressing his satisfaction at their success in breaching the initial defenses. However, he emphasized that their task was far from over and declared his intent to conquer and obliterate the facility once and for all.

His guards, in their stoic and mechanical manner, affirmed their allegiance to their master's commands.

Turning his attention to his fallen companion, Animal, Adam approached with reverence. Tenderly cradling the wounded wolf in his hands, he spoke words of encouragement, urging the resilient creature to rise and continue the fight by his side.

With Adam's words of encouragement, the fallen wolves stirred back to life, rejuvenated by their master's presence and resolve. As the pack stood ready once more, Adam strode confidently towards the front entrance of the facility, surveying the scene before him with a steely gaze.

"After long 15 years, I am back to the place where my life as a human ended," Adam remarked, his tone devoid of emotion.

Drawing a deep breath, he continued, "The stench of death... it purifies me."

With a commanding presence, Adam issued orders to his men, who followed his lead without question. Stepping forward with purpose, Adam led the charge, crossing the threshold of the facility's entrance.

The scene before him was one of devastation—shattered debris littered the ground, mingling with the blood of fallen soldiers and the flames from the wreckage of a crashed helicopter. Undeterred, Adam pressed onward, his path marked by the grim reminders of the battle that had unfolded.

Standing before the formidable barricades and booby traps guarding the front of the building, Adam assessed the situation with a calculated gaze. The intricate design of the barricades, coiled with sharp, spine-like structures, posed a deadly threat to anyone who dared to approach carelessly.

Despite recognizing the danger, Adam's determination remained unyielding. With a silent resolve, he chose to lead his men through the perilous obstacle, demonstrating their strength and fearlessness in the face of adversity.

Issuing a commanding order to his men, Adam directed them to navigate through the treacherous barricades, emphasizing the need to press forward and assert their dominance.

As the guards, akin to automatons, advanced towards the barricades with their weapons drawn, they moved with a mechanical precision that seemed unaffected by the looming danger. Their unwavering obedience to their master's commands propelled them forward, each step a testament to their loyalty and determination.

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