Attack on the facility

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Alarmed by Renuka's words, Felix wasted no time. He swiftly gathered his men and headed out to assess the situation, determined to ensure the safety of everyone in the facility. Felix led his team through the corridors, their senses heightened and weapons at the ready.

As they progressed, a report came in from the front entrance, detailing a sighting of a wolf measuring 7-9 feet in height.
Marco quickly relayed this information to Felix, who seized the walkie-talkie from him without hesitation.

With a sense of urgency, Felix responded, "Felix here, Hold your fire i repeat hold your fire. Do not attack. Tell everyone to stay vigilant and prepare for a possible attack." The tension in the air was palpable as their was no time left to come up with a strategy.

Felix, sensing urgency, urged Marco and the others, "We need to get to the front entrance quickly. We don't know what our enemy is capable of."

Rushing outside the facility, Felix and his men confronted a scene at the front entrance. Soldiers poised with guns aimed at the mysterious wolf, which remained eerily still, resembling a statue.

As Felix joined them, the soldiers, ready for action, awaited the command to shoot from their captain. Felix, taking a cautious stance, observed the wolf intently from behind the gate, weighing the situation before giving any directive.

Felix couldn't shake the feeling that there was something unusual about the situation. He was convinced that the wolf could easily breach the entrance if it chose to. Yet, it remained motionless, seemingly waiting for something or someone.

A chilling thought struck Felix: was the wolf awaiting orders? The possibility seemed plausible, especially given previous attempts to attack the facility.

With this realization, Felix scanned the area outside the entrance. His eyes fell on a cluster of trees and a hilly terrain, potential hiding spots for anyone orchestrating the wolf's actions.

Felix wasted no time and instructed his men to deploy the drone camera to get a better view of the hilly area. Marco swiftly set up the drone and flew it over the terrain, capturing visuals in real-time. Despite thorough observation, Felix couldn't discern anything suspicious from the footage.

Just then, a report came in from the west side, alerting them to the presence of another large wolf, approximately 9 feet tall. Felix quickly connected with the team on the western side via his pad. He viewed the visuals of the wolf and its surroundings on the pad screen, instructing them to maintain observation without engaging.

As reports flooded in from both the southern and front sides of the facility, Felix's sense of urgency heightened. A giant wolf, approximately 10 feet tall, was spotted on the southern side, while another wolf of similar size appeared directly in front of them. The situation was escalating rapidly, and Felix knew they needed to act fast to ensure the safety of the facility and its occupants.

The sudden appearance of the wolves on each side of the facility agitated Felix further, heightening the tension in the already chaotic situation. Just as he spotted a helicopter approaching the facility, meant for Renuka Sharma and her son's safe transport, Felix swiftly relayed the information to his men on the top floor. They assured him they were with Renuka, Akash, their son, and Dr. Tyler, prepared to look after them until they could safely depart. However, the tense moment took a dire turn when the chopper, on the brink of entering the facility premises, was shot down.

As the chopper erupted in flames and crashed, sending shockwaves through the facility, Felix and his men took cover, bracing themselves for the explosion. Once the chaos subsided, Felix sprang into action, determined to locate the source of the attack. With a glimpse of the shot being fired from the hilly terrain, Felix swiftly ordered his men on all sides to retaliate against the wolves.

Responding to his command, the soldiers unleashed a barrage of gunfire at the wolves, causing them to fall under the onslaught of bullets. The tense standoff had escalated into a full-fledged firefight.

As Felix rushed towards the facility to aid Miss Renuka and her son, Marco took command of the front line. He swiftly issued orders to his men, instructing them to open the gate and bring the fallen wolf inside for further study. Marco emphasized the importance of studying the wolf's genetics and proposed beheading it for analysis. Once the study was complete, he intended to display the wolf's head at the front of the facility as a warning to potential attackers.

Meanwhile, Felix's priority was to ensure the safety of Renuka and her son amidst the chaos unfolding within the facility. With tensions escalating and the threat of further attacks looming, decisive action was necessary to protect both the facility and its inhabitants.

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