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Adharv pushed his limits, his legs churning as he raced away from the relentless pursuit of the zombies. However, despite his efforts, they matched his pace with eerie precision. He willed himself to run faster, but the effects of the tranquilizers and sedatives he had ingested earlier began to take their toll. His body refused to cooperate, sluggish and unresponsive to the urgency of his thoughts.

Amidst the chaos of his flight, Adharv's mind became a battleground of swirling emotions. Thoughts of impending death, remorse for encountering Jewels that fateful night, and the crushing guilt of failing to protect her from his own parents flooded his consciousness. Each step forward felt like a struggle against the weight of his own shortcomings.

As he fought to keep pace, both Bethany and Camilla surged ahead, reaching the safety of the lift while Adharv lagged behind, his goal tantalizingly close yet agonizingly out of reach. With only a few meters separating him from salvation, the relentless advance of the zombies closed in. Suddenly, the side effects of the drugs surged through his body, robbing him of his strength and resolve.

In a cruel twist of fate, Adharv collapsed, his body betraying him in his moment of direst need. The zombies, sensing his vulnerability, closed in with ravenous hunger. Adharv closed his eyes.

Rabid breaths and snarls filled the air, the menacing presence of the zombies looming ever closer. Adharv braced himself for the inevitable, his heart pounding in his chest as he awaited the grisly embrace of death. Yet, to his astonishment, moments stretched into eternity, and still, he remained alive, the rabid screams growing fainter with each passing second.

Confusion clouded Adharv's thoughts as he grappled with the inexplicable reprieve from certain doom. His heart still raced, but now with a mixture of bewilderment and cautious hope. Slowly, he dared to open his eyes, and what he beheld washed over him like a wave of relief.

Before him, the horde of zombies surged forward, their attention diverted by some unseen force, their singular focus directed elsewhere. In their relentless pursuit, they had completely disregarded Adharv's presence.

Adharv watched intently as the zombie horde swept past him, their grotesque forms disappearing into the distance. With a deep sigh of relief, he slowly rose to his feet, grateful for the fleeting reprieve from certain death. Yet, amidst the relief, a gnawing sense of confusion lingered. Why had the zombies spared him? It was a question that nagged at his mind, but one he knew he couldn't dwell on for long.

Time was of the essence, and Adharv knew he couldn't afford to waste a single moment pondering the mysteries of his survival. Jewels' safety depended on his swift action, and he was determined to deliver her from the clutches of danger.

As he stood upright, a newfound sense of purpose coursed through his veins, dispelling the lingering effects of fear and uncertainty. His body, once weary and fatigued, now felt rejuvenated, energized by the urgency of his mission.

With purposeful strides, Adharv approached the lift, his fingers navigating the panel to select the floor where Jewels awaited her fate. As the doors glided shut behind him, enveloping him in a cocoon of anticipation, a sudden sound shattered the silence—a sound so unexpected that it jolted Adharv to his core.

Startled, Adharv whirled around to find the source of the disturbance, his heart racing with a mixture of fear and confusion. There, standing before him, was the little girl he had not seen since the chaos erupted—the embodiment of an enigma that defied explanation.

The girl's innocent voice cut through the tension, her words laden with a strange mix of curiosity and understanding. "Feels good to be alive, doesn't it?" she asked, her gaze penetrating Adharv's soul with an unsettling intensity.

Adharv's voice dripped with frustration as he addressed the enigmatic girl, "You again."

Undeterred, the girl posed her own question, her tone laced with curiosity, "Do you know why they ignored you?"

Adharv's reply was swift and resolute, "No, I don't want to know about that. I'd rather know what your problem is."

A soft chuckle escaped the girl's lips, further unsettling Adharv in his state of turmoil.

"What's so funny about it?" he demanded, his anger simmering just beneath the surface. "I've stared death in the face three times in the last few days. What is wrong with this place and its people?" he exclaimed, his fury boiling over.

In response, the girl's words carried a weight of cryptic wisdom, "I have already given you the answers to your questions. It's all within you."

Before Adharv could press her further, the girl began to fade, her form dissolving into the ether as the lift's doors parted, revealing the path ahead. Left with more questions than answers, Adharv stepped forward.

As Adharv stepped out of the lift, a surreal calm enveloped him, a stark contrast to the chaos and death that permeated the atmosphere. With each stride forward, his mind sharpened, preparing for the inevitable confrontation that lay ahead. In the distance, a figure materialized, gradually taking shape before his eyes. It was his mother.

Despite the cacophony of gunfire and the stench of death growing ever closer, Adharv pressed on, drawn inexorably toward his mother's form. As he closed the distance, he was met with a scene both haunting and surreal.

Before him, a tableau of carnage unfolded—the very zombies from which he had narrowly escaped now lay strewn across the ground, locked in a fierce battle with soldiers. Adharv's gaze shifted towards the pods, his heart sinking as he beheld the shattered remnants of the pods. Almost every pod lay broken.

Adharv's eyes scanned the wreckage, his heart pounding with urgency as he searched for Jewels amidst the chaos. The broken pods served as grim reminders of the devastation that had unfolded, but amidst the rubble, he finally spotted her, standing near an enigmatic figure. Anxiety gripped him as he beheld the scene before him.

His mother's frightened expression mirrored his own apprehension, their shared fear a palpable presence in the air. Renuka stood frozen from what she witnessed. Adharv felt a surge of helplessness wash over him as he grappled with the overwhelming weight of the situation. Unsure of what to do next, he was consumed by a whirlwind of thoughts.

Then, as if by some unspoken command, the world fell silent. The clamor of the zombies and the gunfire ceased, leaving only the echo of Adharv's racing heartbeat. In the stillness, his gaze locked onto Jewels, standing before Adam, her very presence a beacon of hope amidst the darkness.

Unable to stand idly by any longer, Adharv made a split-second decision. With resolve hardening in his heart, he leaped into action, propelled by a fierce determination to protect the one he loved. Breaking the eerie silence, he descended upon the scene below, ready to confront Adam to save jewels.

As Jewels laid eyes on Adharv, her heart soared with relief amidst the chaos. Adam's gaze shifted towards Adharv, a glint of recognition and defiance in his eyes. Meanwhile, Felix, lurking behind a shattered pod, witnessed Adharv's bold move, spurred into action by his commitment to Renuka's wishes.

Adam, realizing the threat Adharv posed, commanded his guards to eliminate him. Without hesitation, the guards aimed their weapons, ready to obey their master's orders. But Jewels, unable to bear the thought of harm befalling her beloved, intervened.

With a cry of anguish, she dashed towards Adharv, her voice echoing through the silence, "Noo.... Don't do it"

In a stunning turn of events, the guards and even the zombies seemed to heed Jewels' command, standing down in obedience to her plea. Even Adam, accustomed to command and control, found himself taken aback by the unexpected display of power.

As Jewels reached Adharv, she enveloped him in a tight embrace..

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