Overpowered enemy

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At Entrance 1

The soldiers reacted with alarm to the unconventional weapons wielded by the attackers. Marco swiftly summoned the soldiers who were handling the wolves inside the facility.

Marco then commanded his men to take up positions to counterattack. However, he couldn't help but feel perplexed as to why the armored assailants, despite aiming their weapons, did not initiate firing.

Despite his confusion, Marco wasted no time and ordered his men to open fire and eliminate the guards outside. The soldiers obediently followed the order, unleashing a barrage of bullets at the guards. To their astonishment, the bullets failed to penetrate the guards' formidable armor.

The soldiers exchanged incredulous glances with Marco, while others continued firing. The guards, unmoved by the onslaught, maintained their positions, still aiming their weapons at the soldiers despite the incoming gunfire.

Immediately, Marco ordered a few of his men to utilize bazookas to breach the enemies' armor. Three soldiers swiftly grabbed bazookas, aimed at the guards, and fired upon Marco's command.

The guards stood firm in their positions as the explosive projectiles struck them directly. Marco and his men peered through the ensuing flames and smoke, eager to assess the impact of their attack on the enemy's armor.

As the flames and smoke dissipated, the silhouettes of the guards became visible. It became apparent that they were no longer in the same position, indicating that the bazooka blast had indeed affected them. Upon closer inspection, Marco and his men could discern visible cracks and damage to the enemy's armor caused by the bazooka explosions.

As Marco and his men devised a strategy to defeat their adversaries, they felt a surge of relief knowing that they had found a potential weakness in the enemy's armor. Their determination to overcome the threat was palpable.

The enemy guards returned to their original positions, their wired guns still trained on the soldiers. Marco wasted no time in directing his men to resume their assault with bazookas and firearms, urging them to also utilize hand grenades to maximize the impact on their enemy.

Responding swiftly to Marco's commands, the soldiers resumed their barrage of attacks. However, before they could fully unleash their arsenal, a chilling command echoed in the minds of the enemy guards: "Fire."

In perfect synchronization, the enemy guards aimed their weapons at the soldiers, poised to unleash their devastating firepower. With their master, the entity, now giving the order to attack, they wasted no time in initiating their counterattack.

Simultaneously, five of the guards discharged their weapons, unleashing a powerful burst of energy. The highly unstable light photons within their guns coalesced into a brilliant blue beam, capable of generating an explosion equivalent to that of a standard grenade.

The destructive power of the enemy's weapons was overwhelming, causing devastation with each successive shot. As the blue beams of fire struck the barrier in front of the entrance, it was obliterated, crumbling under the intense force.

With another round of fire, the walls of the facility began to give way, succumbing to the relentless assault. The protective gate, once sturdy and impenetrable, was reduced to rubble under the onslaught of the enemy's firepower.

Despite Marco's orders for his men to take cover, the ferocity of the attack proved too much to evade. As the walls collapsed, chaos ensued. Men who had been stationed atop the walls were thrown from their perches, some crushed beneath the weight of the debris.

Among the casualties were those who had wielded the bazooka launchers, their accidental misfires adding to the calamity. The lethal nature of the enemy's weaponry became gruesomely apparent as some soldiers suffered severe injuries, their bodies maimed by the corrosive effects of the blue beams.

Amidst the chaos and devastation, Marco's heart sank as he surveyed the grim aftermath of the battle. Death and destruction surrounded him, and the air was thick with despair. His comrades, who had fought bravely by his side just moments before, now lay lifeless on the ground, their bodies maimed and broken by the brutality of the enemy's assault.

Marco felt a deep sense of failure weighing heavily on him. His captain had entrusted him with the lives of his men, and he had been unable to protect them. The weight of this responsibility bore down on him, leaving him numb and overwhelmed by the magnitude of the loss.

In the midst of his turmoil, Marco's thoughts turned to the soldiers who were still alive. With a heavy heart, he knew that he had to make a difficult decision. Gathering what remained of his resolve, he steeled himself to lead his surviving men in a strategic retreat, hoping to salvage what little remained of their forces and regroup for another day.

Marco, fueled by a mix of anguish and determination, rallied what remained of his energy and resolve. Witnessing the harrowing devastation before him, he wasted no time issuing orders for his men to retreat to the safety of the facility. With a sense of urgency driving their movements, they hurried away from the overwhelming might of the enemy guards, fully aware of their inability to withstand such formidable firepower.

Running for their lives, Marco and his surviving men raced back towards the building, their hearts heavy with the weight of defeat. Despite their valiant efforts, they had been outmatched by the enemy guards in the brutal battle, forced to acknowledge the vast difference in strength and firepower.

As they reached the steps leading to the entrance of the facility, Marco and his men made sure to reinforce the barricades, fortifying their position in preparation for the imminent assault. Though battered and shaken, they remained resolved to defend the sanctuary of the facility against any further onslaught.


The chaos and devastation that unfolded at entrance 1 were mirrored at the other entrances as well. Marco, demonstrating strong leadership, guided his men through the chaos via walkie-talkie, issuing orders and coordinating their retreat.

Despite their best efforts, Marco and his men found themselves outmatched by the overwhelming force of the enemy guards.

At each entrance they faced awful defeats. Death , destruction and despair engulfed them.

with heavy hearts and a sense of defeat looming over them, they made a strategic decision to retreat to the safety of the building, prioritizing their survival in the face of such overpowering opposition.

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