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Adharv's senses slowly returned as he regained consciousness, the fog of confusion gradually lifting to reveal his surroundings—a plush and luxurious room that felt worlds away from the chaos and danger he had recently faced. Despite the opulence of his surroundings, he couldn't shake the lingering sense of disorientation that clung to him like a heavy shroud.

Struggling to sit up, Adharv grappled with a wave of intense energy loss and blurred vision, his head throbbing with every movement. As clarity slowly returned, he pieced together the fragments of memory from his recent ordeal, the events unfolding like a disjointed puzzle in his mind.

"Is anyone there?" he called out, his voice weak and tinged with uncertainty as he sought reassurance in the unfamiliar silence that surrounded him.

Before long, the door swung open, revealing the figure of his mother standing in the doorway. Adharv's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her, a surge of conflicting emotions washing over him. He was relieved to see her, yet wary of the allegations that had been made against her.

she appeared genuinely happy to see her son awake and seemingly unharmed.

"How are you feeling, my dear?" his mother inquired, her voice soft and filled with genuine concern as she reached out to brush a stray lock of hair from his forehead.

Adharv remained silent, his mind swirling with a tumult of conflicting emotions and unanswered questions. His mother's presence only served to deepen the sense of unease that gnawed at him from within.

Sensing his hesitation, his mother offered him a reassuring smile, her eyes filled with warmth and affection. "It's okay, my dear," she said softly, as if sensing his inner turmoil. "You don't have to say anything if you're not ready. Just know that I'm here for you, always. "I know that you have a lot of questions to ask me. You have the right to know about the things happening here. So go ahead and ask."

"Who are you? What do you do? Why are you doing all this?" asked Adharv in a confused state.

"I didn't quite understand your question, but I will tell you what you need to know," she began, her voice tinged with a mixture of reluctance and resolve.

She went on to recount the events of fifteen years ago, when they had acquired this company there was a brilliant scientist whose ideas and thoughts amazed us. He devoted most of his life to a research project that he believed would change the world.

"When it finally became a reality, everyone was mesmerized," she continued, her tone somber. "But things didn't turn out as we expected. The creation had to be erased from existence."

Adharv's mind raced with questions, his thoughts swirling with the implications of his mother's revelation. What had gone wrong with the creation? And why had it been deemed necessary to erase it from existence?

"We banned the research and dismissed the scientist who conducted it, wiping out all traces of it," his mother explained, her voice heavy with regret. "But we kept the sample hidden away."

"The same sample that turned Jewels into that monstrous thing?" Adharv asked his mother, interrupting her speech.

"We were shocked, your father and I, when we found out that one of the infiltrators in our place was our beloved son's girlfriend," said his mother. "We don't know how she knew about the sample or even the research."

"Why did you keep it? You could have destroyed it, but you still kept it," accused Adharv.

"We had a reason to keep it," answered Renuka.

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