Realising the truth

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Adharv finds himself in a state of confusion after learning that he and his family had been under surveillance for a long time. Recollecting the moment he shared with Jewels that night when they both opened up to each other, he wrestles with conflicting thoughts.

On one hand, he questions if everything jewels said was a lie to manipulate him. However, he also reflects on the way Jewels looked at him that night and the incident at his house when she argued with Bethany to protect him. Adharv becomes increasingly perplexed as he delves deeper into his thoughts, trying to make sense of Jewels' actions and motives.

As Adharv remained lost in thought, Camilla and Bethany spotted the man they had been waiting for through the surveillance cameras they had set up. They had the entire place and nearby areas under surveillance.

Camilla opened the door, allowing the man to enter, and then closed it behind him. The man arrived in the room where all of them gathered, but Adharv remained unaware of his presence, lost in his thoughts.

The man who arrived had a fair complexion, brown curly hair, and wore glasses. Camilla snapped Adharv out of his thoughts, and he recognized the helmet the man carried. It was the same helmet worn by the man who had spoken with Jewels the night she infiltrated the research facility.

Surprised to see Adharv with them, the man inquired why he was there. Bethany decided to have a private conversation with him.

Adharv pondered over the identity of the man while contemplating his connection to Jewels. Suddenly, a noise emanated from Jewels' room, sounding like something made of steel falling down.

The sound prompted all four of them to rush to investigate. Despite their fear of Jewels in her transformed state, Adharv was the one who opened the door, taking the lead in confronting the source of the noise.

When they opened the door, they were relieved to find Jewels standing beside the bathroom door, unharmed. The noise they heard was from the steel kettle falling off the table near the bed.

Bethany and Camilla felt relieved to see Jewels back to her normal state. Upon seeing Adharv with them, Jewels appeared shocked and surprised. She asked Bethany if they had told him anything.

"Of course not, we were waiting for Alan to show up," replied Bethany.

"Oh, Alan. I think I have a serious digestive problem," said Jewels. "I just vomited some blood, I don't know what I ate or drank."

"Let me have a look," replied Alan.

Jewels thanked him and introduced him to Adharv.

"Dr. Alan, he is one of us who works as a research doctor at Metalife," jewels introduces Alan to adharv.

As he examined her, Dr. Alan couldn't shake the overwhelming sense of unease that gnawed at him. The stench of blood emanating from her mouth sent a shiver down his spine, a visceral reminder of the unnatural forces at play.

"Jewels," he began, his voice tinged with apprehension, "do you feel any internal pain? Any headaches?"

Jewels' response was both unexpected and unnerving. With a voice that seemed to reverberate with a power beyond human comprehension, she replied, "I am perfectly fine, Dr. Alan, aside from the... digestive problems.

Dr. Alan's mind raced with scientific curiosity and fear as he processed Jewels' words. Her transformation defied all known laws of biology and genetics, posing a puzzle that seemed impossible to solve.

As he continued his examination, Dr. Alan couldn't shake the feeling that they were standing on the precipice of something far greater than they could ever imagine. With each passing moment, the mystery of Jewels' transformation deepened, leaving Dr. Alan grappling with questions that threatened to unravel the very fabric of reality itself.

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