The threat

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Felix's consciousness slowly returned, his senses swimming in a haze of pain and confusion. Leaning heavily against the cold, unforgiving wall, he struggled to piece together the events that had led to this moment of darkness and despair. His men, his comrades, had been defeated by that monstrous creature – a creature unlike anything he had ever encountered before.

With trembling hands, Felix reached into his pocket and retrieved a cigarette packet, his fingers fumbling as he lit one up. The acrid smoke filled his lungs, offering a brief respite from the turmoil raging within him.

As he took a moment to gather his thoughts, Felix's gaze fell upon the scene before him – his men, lying motionless on the ground, their lifeless bodies surrounded by pools of crimson blood that stained the once pristine surroundings.

He made his way into the house, his footsteps echoing in the silence.
Inside, the air was thick with the stench of death and decay.

Surveying the grim scene, Felix searched for his walkie-talkie, locating it near the couch, stained with blood. Despite his attempts to contact for help, nothing seemed to work in his favor.

As Felix walked out of the house with a gun and walkie-talkie in hand, the ride that was meant to pick them up, along with Jewels, arrived in front of the house. Stepping out from the front door of the vehicle was Theodore, the beefy guy with specs assigned to assist their team.

Felix's anger flared upon seeing the vehicle and Theodore. He was infuriated because Theodore was supposed to have arrived shortly after Felix and his team.

As Felix approached, Theodore swiftly opened the back door of the vehicle. Six heavily armed men wearing protective gear emerged, moving towards Felix. Enraged, Felix swung a punch at Theodore's face, knocking him out cold. Theodore collapsed, his glasses shattering as he fell to the ground.

As Theodore regained consciousness, he found himself lying on the street, his nose and cheek throbbing with pain, his lip injured and oozing blood. The truck he arrived in had moved into the house compound, and soldiers accompanying him were transporting corpses from the house to the truck.

Theodore entered the house and was confronted with the devastating scene. Unable to bear it, he saw Felix inside, examining the fang marks on the walls. Rushing towards him, Theodore asked what had occurred.

"Do I have to spoon-feed everything to you, you asshole?" Felix snapped.

"Sir, please tell me what happened. I need to report this," Theodore begged Felix.

"They're all dead because of you! If you had arrived on time, everything would have gone as planned!" Felix exploded in frustration.

"Oh God, did she do that? I need to inform them immediately," Theodore muttered, grabbing his phone and dialing a number.

Felix noticed and decided to grab the phone from Theodore as the call connected.

As the call connected, a woman answered. Theodore informed her about the drastic scene he witnessed.

Felix snatched the phone and put it on speaker mode. The woman inquired about Adharv, expressing curiosity about his safety. Felix gestured for Theodore to keep quiet and then addressed the woman.

"If you want to know about him, you first need to address the thing that killed my men," Felix stated firmly.

"Mr. Felix, I understand your concern. That boy is my son, and I need to know about him," Renuka asserted urgently.

Felix responded that he didn't know Adharv's exact whereabouts but speculated that he might be with them. Upon hearing this, Renuka desperately ordered them to find Adharv immediately. However, Felix insisted on knowing more about the thing they were tasked to bring in.

Renuka explained that the girl had infiltrated their lab and stolen a specific serum. She emphasized the urgency of restraining her to prevent impending doom. She also requested Felix to protect her son from harm, to which Felix agreed.

After the call ended, Felix returned Theodore his phone. Meanwhile, the soldiers had transferred all the dead corpses to the truck. Theodore made arrangements with an agency to fix the house immediately.

As Felix and Theodore emerged from the house and made their way towards the waiting truck, Theodore's phone rang, breaking the tense silence that hung in the air.

It was Renuka, sharing crucial information about Adharv's whereabouts. Theodore quickly relayed the details to Felix, his finger tapping on the screen of his phone to display the location on a map.

Felix's eyes narrowed with determination as he took in the information, his mind already racing with plans and strategies. Without hesitation, he reached for his own phone and began dialing, summoning their backup team with a sense of urgency.

"Get ready for a wild hunt," Felix's voice was firm and unwavering as he spoke into the phone. "We've got a target, and we're going after him."

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