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The towering wolf, six feet tall and majestic despite its injuries, charged through the dense wilderness of the forest. Blood dripped from its wounds, staining the forest floor crimson, as it pressed on with a single-minded determination.

As it stumbled forward, its energy waning with each labored breath, the wolf's keen senses picked up on the scent of his destined civilisation. With renewed urgency, it pushed through the thick underbrush until it reached the outskirts of a rural village.

The village, nestled amidst the trees and protected by a sturdy fence made of sharp wooden stakes, seemed like a haven of safety amidst the wild expanse of the forest.

As the wounded wolf reached the sharp wooden fence, a flicker of relief crossed its weary features. With a determined leap, it easily cleared the barrier, though its health continued to deteriorate with each passing moment.

Nearby, a group of children played along the riverside, their laughter echoing through the tranquil setting. At the sight of the approaching wolf, their initial fear turned to recognition as they called out its name, "Vampire," recognizing it as one of their own.

But their relief was short-lived as the wolf faltered, its strength failing as it collapsed mere feet away from the children. Instantly, their playful demeanor shifted to one of concern and compassion as they rushed to the wolf's side.

Examining the creature with wide eyes, the eldest among them quickly assessed the situation, instructing one of the younger children to run and fetch help from the nearby village. With a sense of urgency, the child darted off, leaving the others to tend to the wounded wolf as best they could.

The children sprinted through the narrow streets of the village, their feet pounding against the dusty ground as they raced towards the bustling marketplace. With a sense of urgency, they pushed through the throngs of people, their voices raised in alarm.

"Vampire needs help! She's hurt!" one of the children cried out, their words echoing through the crowded square.

The villagers, startled by the sudden announcement.

With urgency coursing through their veins, the villagers swiftly converged upon the spot where Vampire had collapsed. The children, who had remained steadfast in their efforts to stem the flow of blood, greeted the arrival of their neighbors with a mixture of relief and gratitude.

Working in tandem, the villagers wasted no time in taking action. With practiced hands, they applied pressure to Vampire's wounds, staunching the flow of blood and stabilizing her condition.

With careful and gentle hands, the men of the village lifted Vampire from the ground, cradling her with a sense of urgency and determination. As they bore her weight upon their shoulders, they moved swiftly through the winding paths of the village.

The journey to the village elder's place was marked by a solemn procession, with the villagers falling into step behind the men carrying Vampire. Their faces were etched with concern, their thoughts consumed by prayers for her swift recovery.

As they arrived at the elder's dwelling, the men carefully laid Vampire upon a makeshift cot, ensuring her comfort and safety. The village elder, a figure revered for his wisdom emerged from the shadows, his presence commanding respect and reassurance.

With a gentle touch, the elder Bhagwad Drishti began to assess Vampire's condition, his skilled hands moving with precision as he examined her wounds. Murmurs of concern rippled through the gathered crowd, their eyes fixed upon the scene unfolding before them.

With each passing moment, it became evident that the injuries she had sustained were grave, the result of deep bullet wounds and significant blood loss.

With a heavy heart, the elder came to a somber conclusion: despite his best efforts, there was little more he could do to save her. The wounds were too severe, and Vampire's condition was rapidly deteriorating.

Amidst the somber atmosphere that engulfed the gathering, a voice pierced through the collective sorrow. It was a question that hung heavy in the air, prompting a moment of contemplative silence among those assembled.

"What about him?" the voice queried, its tone laden with uncertainty. "What will he say?"

The question echoed through the crowd, stirring a mix of emotions.

As the question hung in the air, anxiety rippled through the crowd. They were unsure how to break the news to their revered figure, the one they bound their lives too, their saviour, the Almighty-one.

The villagers' concern deepened as they realized that the wolf vampire was not just any creature but one of their leader's earliest creations, perhaps even his favorite. They feared that delivering the news might unleash his fury upon them.

The village elder, observing the growing anxiety among the people, was perplexed by their assumptions.

The village elder, with a firm yet calming voice, instructed everyone gathered there to return to their homes, reassuring them that he would handle the situation. He directed the men carrying the wolf vampire's body to proceed with their journey to their deity, emphasizing their commitment to their master and the village's unity in facing any challenge.

Assuring them that he knew how to convey the news to their leader and that there was no cause for alarm, the elder reminded the villagers of their unwavering trust in their guardian, who had always protected and guided them. He instilled confidence in their collective resolve to sacrifice for their master's well-being, fostering a sense of unity and solidarity among the villagers.

With a collective sigh of relief, the villagers dispersed, returning to their daily activities and routines. Some resumed their work in the fields, while others tended to household chores or engaged in communal tasks around the village. Despite the recent turmoil, there was a sense of reassurance in the elder's words, allowing them to resume their lives with a renewed sense of purpose and trust in their community's resilience.

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