Erupting danger

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Standing alone in that lift, Adharv's mind raced with unanswered questions. "Why did they lie to me? Why can't they tell me the truth? Why can't I remember my past?" His thoughts swirled in a tumultuous whirlwind, each question demanding an elusive answer.

Despite his efforts to suppress them, the questions continued to plague Adharv's mind, refusing to be silenced. The uncertainty gnawed at him, leaving him restless and unsettled.

The little girl, who seems more than just a figment of Adharv's imagination, stands beside him, whistling an old rhyme.

Adharv gazes at her, pondering her existence. "What are you?" he wonders aloud.

The girl glances back at him, her eyes curious. "What are you looking at?" she asks innocently, breaking his reverie.

Adharv is jolted back to reality, his mind buzzing with thoughts. His assumptions about his parents have been shattered, and now he realizes that Jewels may hold the key to unlocking some crucial information. However, she's currently unconscious in a pod, vulnerable to Adam's impending arrival. Determined to help her, Adharv knows he needs assistance. He resolves to seek help, determined to rescue Jewels.

Determined and emboldened, Adharv feels a surge of courage and self-belief. He now exudes confidence and strength, ready to take action to aid Jewels.

He realizes the importance of understanding the facility's structure to find allies. . Turning to the little girl, he asks, "Hey, do you know about this facility?"

The girl stops whistling, her attention caught by Adharv's question. She responds, "There was a time when you were my guide around this place, and now you're asking for that favor in return."

Adharv explains urgently, "Kid, I don't know what you're saying, but right now, I need some help. You're the only person here who can assist me."

The little girl, now irritated, retorts, "Stop calling me 'kid.' I'm four years older than you. Just call me by my name. Sorry, I forgot you don't remember me, right? Then you can call me 'big sis.'"

"Big sis, are you kidding me?" Adharv questioned incredulously.

She insisted, "Call me that or no help."

Reluctantly, Adharv addressed her as "big sis" and asked for her assistance.

The girl smiled mischievously, enjoying Adharv's discomfort. She admitted that she always found it amusing to make him call her "big sis" and relished in his embarrassment.

Despite his frustration, Adharv clenched his teeth to maintain composure.

She then revealed her knowledge of the facility's structure and suggested that if he needed allies to protect Jewels, he should seek out her associates who were restrained in the facility.

As Adharv contemplated Bethany and Camilla's possible whereabouts, he realized that they were brought to the facility along with him. However, their current location remained a mystery. Were they still within the facility, or had they been moved during the evacuation?
He thought of asking the girl for help and looks at her.
Before Adharv could voice his question, the girl preemptively provided him with an answer.

"There is a floor between sections 4 and 5," she began, "that used to be the floor where they conducted investigations and such."

Adharv was taken aback by the girl's sudden response. He wore a partial smile as he gazed at her and asked, "Can you read my mind, or are our minds somehow connected?"

In response, she cryptically replied, "You will soon know what the connection is."

Adharv then commanded the system to take him to the floor between sections 4 and 5. His request was swiftly accepted, and the lift began to move rapidly. In no time, he arrived at the designated floor.

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