The lost years of life

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As they arrived at the room, Renuka, Aansh, and Dr. Tyler entered alongside Adharv. However, Akash Sharma chose to stay back. Renuka urged him to let go of the past, emphasizing, "It's our son, and we must protect him."

Felix also implored him to join them, as he was responsible for their safety, ensuring they all escaped the facility unharmed. However, Akash Sharma remained resolute, refusing to step into the room, even if it meant facing his demise.

To Felix, he expressed, "I refuse to enter that room. Every time I'm here, it brings back memories of that hideous face I wish I could forget."

At that moment, Felix received a message through his walkie-talkie from the men stationed outside. The message detailed the retreat of Marco and the others from the entrance after being ambushed by the enemy. This news left Felix visibly stunned, and everyone in the room overheard the message.

Renuka's fear intensified, while Akash Sharma grew increasingly agitated. The other soldiers also exhibited signs of fear and concern.

Felix inquired about the condition of their comrades outside, to which the voice on the walkie-talkie responded, "They're in a dire state. Half of our men were killed by the enemy wielding a weapon that shoots light beams."

"Is Marco with you? Can he talk?" Felix asked urgently.

"Yes, he's here," came the response.

"Then tell him to come to me immediately," Felix ordered.

After putting down his walkie-talkie, Felix implored Akash Sharma to enter the room for their safety. Despite hesitation, Felix grew adamant. He pointed his pistol at Akash's head, threatening to force him if necessary.

In response, Akash Sharma chuckled, questioning Felix's actions. He pointed out the irony of hiring someone for protection only to have a gun pointed at his own head. Convinced that Felix wouldn't pull the trigger, he laughed off the threat.

Without hesitation, Felix fired a shot, grazing Akash Sharma's toe. Yelling in pain, Akash Sharma was pulled into the room by Felix, who then instructed Dr. Tyler to attend to his injury.

Enraged, Akash Sharma unleashed a torrent of screams at Felix, shocking Renuka Sharma and Mr. Aansh.

As the sound of gunshots echoed, Adharv slowly regained consciousness. Renuka Sharma noticed a flicker in Adharv's eyelids and immediately summoned Dr. Tyler to examine him. Despite being preoccupied with treating Mr. Akash Sharma, Dr. Tyler responded to her call and advised her to gently slap Adharv on the cheek.

Meanwhile, Akash Sharma's gaze remained fixed on Felix, radiating intense animosity towards him.

Renuka Sharma instructed Dr. Tyler to prioritize Adharv's examination, insisting that Akash Sharma could endure the pain a little longer. Akash Sharma, although agitated, was incapacitated by the excruciating pain of the gunshot wound, which continued to bleed profusely.

Dr. Tyler enlisted Mr. Aansh to apply pressure on Akash Sharma's wound while he tended to Adharv's needs.

Adharv slowly opened his eyes, finding his mother beside him, her hands gently cradling his head. Her expression of joy at his awakening was evident. She questioned him softly, "Why, Adharv? Didn't I tell you to stay in that room until I sorted things out?"

Adharv remained silent, his gaze shifting to his left, where he spotted the little girl standing by the shelf. His shock was palpable, sending shivers down Renuka's spine as she became apprehensive for unknown reasons.

Dr. Tyler noticed the sudden change in Adharv's demeanor and swiftly inquired, "Hey Adharv, is there something bothering you?"

Adharv glanced at the little girl before replying, "No, nothing. I still feel somewhat nauseous."

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