Soldiers on the backyard

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It passed 11:56 at night, Adharv's house looked inhabited from the outside. The house was in darkness; it looked like the power supply had been cut. The strike team assigned to find Jewels were at Adharv's house with drones for 360-degree surveillance.

Adharv was filled with fear as he could see the flashes of those men approaching the house. He wanted to tell the others about those soldiers, but he couldn't speak with Jewels lying down dead, shot in the head. Blood from her body spread over the floor. He couldn't overcome that terrible sight.

Bethany and Camila were stunned by Jewels getting hit. They both immediately hid behind the couch. Camila was frightened, and Bethany tried to keep her mind focused. She held the gun in her left hand and peeked through the small gap under the couch. She saw Jewels lying down dead but couldn't see anything other than that.

The force entered the house through the broken glass side. They were the strike team Adharv saw at the medical facility. They split into three teams to search the whole house. One of the three teams moved inside, one upstairs, and the other outside.

After all of those soldiers and the man entered from the lawn, a man with a scar on his face, Captain Felix, approached Jewels' body. He had a wireless radio with him through which he was contacting someone.

Felix conveyed the information about the death of the blue-haired girl. The man he was talking to ordered him to restrain the girl's dead body. Felix asked two of his men to restrain the corpse immediately.

Bethany and Camilla moved away from the couch as they saw the strike team enter the house. Since it was dark, they were able to move upstairs easily and hide in Adharv's room.

The team assigned to check upstairs came into Adharv's room. Bethany and Camila, who were hiding inside the wardrobe, heard the sound of their steps. They became terrified. It was dark inside. Bethany firmly held her gun, while Camila looked through the keyhole to observe the squad. She saw the squad searching throughout the room, and one of those soldiers was heading straight for the wardrobe.

The soldier sensed the presence of people inside the wardrobe and immediately signaled to the others.

The guards ordered them to surrender immediately, threatening to open fire if they didn't comply. Bethany and Camilla were frightened. Camilla wanted to surrender, but Bethany hesitated. While she valued her life, she also feared what those men might do to them, considering they had already killed one person.

The guards repeated their demands twice. Camilla, scared to death by the sight of numerous automatic guns pointed at them, immediately came out of the wardrobe, announcing her surrender. Bethany, left with no choice, realized she couldn't stand against these armed men. She dropped her gun and knelt down on the floor beside Camilla. They were both restrained by the soldiers and taken downstairs.

Felix helped Adharv, who was lying on the floor beside Jewel's corpse, unable to hear or see clearly due to the loss of too much blood.

Bethany and Camilla were brought downstairs. The three teams dispatched earlier returned after finishing their search of the whole compound.

The soldiers treated Adharv's wounds and gave him medicine to regain his strength. After 10 minutes, Adharv regained consciousness. Everything became clear to him; he could see and hear clearly. The soldiers had restrained Bethany and Camilla, tying them to the floor. Jewels was chained.

However, something seemed off to Adharv. He was confused about why these soldiers arrived with so much artillery for just the three of them.

Adharv suddenly remembers that Jewels was shot three times the day before yesterday, yet she is still alive. He senses that something bad is about to happen. Felix enters with his walkie-talkie, informing his men that their ride will be there soon. He reassures Adharv that everything will be alright, claiming they are here to help him from "them."

While Felix talks to him, Adharv is fixated on Jewels' lifeless body. In his mind, he attempts to make sense of what he heard and what he saw. The sample Jewels and Bethany were discussing, the way Adharv saw Jewels that night at the research facility – it all begins to connect. Adharv realizes that the soldiers are after the sample Jewels stole, and they know she has it. He keenly observes Jewels, aware that something is about to unfold but uncertain of how it will happen.

Adharv urgently informs Felix that immediate action is necessary, or they will all face dire consequences. Bethany and Camilla, close by, exchange worried glances, viewing Adharv as the potential threat.

Suddenly, Jewels takes a deep breath, leaving everyone, except Adharv, stunned in shock. Adharv, realizing the imminent danger, shouts, "Run for your life!"

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