Counter attack

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Felix, upon learning of Adharv's location, made his way to their camp where the rest of his crewmates were stationed. The camp was situated in a storage facility affiliated with the research center in the northwest area of Delhi.

Felix was determined not to subject his crewmates to the gruesome sight of the truck containing the corpses of their fallen comrades for more than a minute. He swiftly arranged for the truck to be removed, not wanting to further traumatize his men.

Theodore, recognizing the urgency of the situation, opted to remain by Felix's side, determined to prevent a repeat of their previous encounter.

Before entering the facility to confront his men, Felix instructed Theodore to procure a truck capable of transporting a cage suitable for confining Jewels.

As Theodore swiftly made arrangements for the truck and cage, Felix proceeded into the facility. Inside, the lower levels resembled a storage facility, bustling with activity. Valiant ex-military officers, all under Felix's command, were preparing for battle.

Some were gearing up for combat, donning their gear and weapons, while others were busy transporting ammunition and weaponry to their comrades. The atmosphere was tense yet focused, as each individual prepared themselves for the impending confrontation.

As Felix entered, he was greeted by the men with a sign of respect, acknowledging his leadership. Taking a position atop an ammunition box, Felix addressed the assembled soldiers, with Theodore joining him shortly thereafter.

Felix, determined to ensure his men were informed of the truth, recounted the events that transpired at Adharv's house. He spared no detail, explaining how their comrades had met their demise and the gravity of the situation they were facing.

As Felix relayed every detail to the soldiers, Theodore couldn't help but wonder about the urgency in dispatching the truck from their location. However, his attention was soon drawn to the soldiers standing before him, their demeanor unwavering even in the face of such brutal news.

Felix, recognizing the gravity of the situation, cautioned the soldiers that accompanying him into battle meant facing grave danger, with no assurance of survival for all. Despite the risks, the soldiers remained steadfast, ready to stand alongside their leader in the impending confrontation.

The murmur among the soldiers grew louder as Marco, a stout African soldier from the front row, stepped forward, his voice filled with determination and conviction. "It doesn't matter if we're facing a raging beast or some damn monster," he declared, his words ringing out with unwavering resolve. "We may be retired, but we're still soldiers at heart. We all have that same wild sense of duty to protect our country and our people. If facing a monster is what it takes , then we'll gladly do it."

His words resonated deeply with his fellow soldiers, who nodded in agreement, their eyes reflecting the same unwavering determination. They knew the risks they faced, but they also knew that their sense of duty and loyalty to their captain transcended any fear or uncertainty.

Turning to their commanding officer, Marco continued, "That's what you taught us seven years ago, sir.

Felix listened to Marco's impassioned speech, his expression solemn yet appreciative. As the words washed over him, he felt a swell of pride in his chest, knowing that he was surrounded by men of unwavering loyalty and courage.

In that moment, he knew that he could rely on them to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Theodore was taken aback by the effect Marco's speech had on the soldiers. Despite initially thinking it was just rhetoric, he couldn't deny the palpable surge of motivation and determination among the men. Their energy was palpable, and it was clear that they were ready to follow Felix into battle, no matter the odds. Theodore realized that sometimes, it wasn't just about the words themselves, but the spirit behind them that truly inspired people to action.

With the soldiers divided and the trucks ready, Felix and his selected team boarded the truck and van, prepared for the mission ahead. The atmosphere was tense yet determined as they set off towards their destination. Theodore ensured that the other trucks, loaded with weapons and ammunition, headed towards Metalife as instructed. The plan was in motion, and everyone understood their roles in the upcoming operation.

Felix and his men set off to the location, accompanied by Theodore.

As the sun was about to rise, the streets and roads of Delhi were beginning to get busy. Within 37 minutes, Felix and his crew reached their destination. They stopped their vehicle about 50 meters before Adharv's exact location. This time, Felix didn't want to make any mistakes. He wanted to have a closer look at the place before proceeding. Turning to one of his men, Mark, Felix instructed him to deploy the surveillance drones to check the location.

Mark set up the surveillance drone to fly, and Felix observed its visuals closely. The drone revealed the building where Adharv's tracker was pointing. With its assistance, they located the surveillance cameras positioned around the building and on the trees nearby. In front of the building, they spotted a parked bike.

Thanks to the drone, they gained a comprehensive view of the areas surrounding the building. After a moment of contemplation, Felix instructed his men to retrieve the box they had brought along.

Mark and six others fetched the box from the truck and opened it. One of the containers held gas masks for the soldiers. Felix promptly ordered everyone to don the masks for safety. In the other box, they found an arsenal: 15 AKMs, 5 tranquilizer guns, and stun guns each.

On seeing the guns Felix brought with him, Theodore questioned Felix about his intentions.

"This is how we hunt beasts," replied Felix confidently. He proceeded to explain his plan: his team would enter the location from all sides, disconnect the building's power supply, and simultaneously infiltrate the front and back. They would then use suxamethonium chloride to paralyze their targets.

To Theodore, it seemed like a straightforward and manageable task. Felix instructed Theodore to stay with the truck.

Thanks to the visuals obtained from the drone, they now knew the location of the building's power supply, and they just needed to disconnect the main switch. Felix assigned this task to Mark.

Mark approached the location from the right side, utilizing the cover of trees to evade detection by the surveillance cameras. He successfully reached the power supply and disconnected it, signaling Felix once it was done.

Upon receiving the signal, Felix and the rest of the crew entered the building from all sides. They planted mildly powered explosives on the front and back doors and burst through them.

As instructed, they utilized the smoke shells filled with suxamethonium chloride. Felix led the team in the front, while Mark led the team at the back.

Entering the building, they searched for the three girls. Felix spotted stairs leading downstairs and cautiously descended after deploying two smoke shells.

At the bottom of the stairs, they found Bethany lying with a gun in hand. Felix disarmed her and, as planned, they administered tranquilizers to each one, including Adharv, upon finding him in the same room as Jewels.

After completing their mission, Felix instructed the truck to enter the building area, along with Theodore's vehicle. They restrained Bethany, Camilla, and Alan inside the truck, who were still unconscious from the tranquilizers.

Theodore was shocked to find Alan among them, given his position as a research officer at Metalife.

Jewels, meanwhile, was cuffed, chained, and confined in a cage within the truck, administered a high dose of tranquilizer to keep her sedated.

Theodore arranged a cab for Adharv and escorted him to Metalife to meet his parents. The others in the truck were also transported to Metalife for further processing.

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