He's here

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Felix's mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions as he processed the shocking revelation. Martha, his dear one and best mate, had made the ultimate sacrifice.

Turning his attention to Renuka, Felix's expression darkened with anger and frustration. "What did you create?" he demanded, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Before Akash Sharma could respond, Renuka intervened, silently indicating that she would handle the conversation. With a heavy heart, she confessed the truth behind their experiment—what they had thought would revolutionize humanity had instead unleashed a monster of unknown power and potential. That is why we wanted jewels for. She has the same characteristics as that of the one we created.

Felix struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

Amidst the chaos of the ongoing sirens and the somber procession of fallen soldiers, Felix's thoughts drifted to the room where his comrades had been kept.

Felix's inquiry struck Renuka like a bolt of lightning, catching her off guard amidst the chaos of the research facility. Her mind raced with questions, wondering how he had uncovered the closely guarded secret of the preserved bodies. Yet, she composed herself swiftly, masking her surprise with a veneer of composure.

"Those bodies are integral to our research endeavors," she explained, her voice steady despite the turmoil within. "Given the unique circumstances of their demise at the hands of Jewels, we deemed it necessary to conduct thorough examinations before repatriating them."

Despite Renuka's seemingly straightforward response, Felix sensed the underlying hesitance in her words, signaling that there was more to the story than met the eye.

Felix turned to Renuka with a firm resolve,
"What do I need to do if I want to know more about this project, about everything and everyone connected with it?" he demanded, his voice resolute despite the tension thickening the air.

Akash Sharma's response was swift, tinged with a hint of panic. "It's impossible to share the details of this project, especially with someone like you," he interjected, his eyes betraying a sense of apprehension.

Undeterred, Felix met Akash's gaze with steely determination. "Then it's settled," he declared, his tone unwavering. "From now onwards, me and my men won't work for you. We are leaving." With those decisive words, Felix made it clear.

"You can't just leave like that; we've already paid for your work," Akash Sharma retorted, his tone laced with frustration and urgency.

Felix remained steadfast, his expression unyielding. "Those matters don't concern me. Take it up with Mr. Selenski," he replied firmly, refusing to be swayed by Akash's attempts to assert control.

Akash bristled at Felix's defiance, his temper flaring, but Renuka intervened, her voice calm yet authoritative. She assured Felix that she would share all the information they had about Martha, her demeanor unwavering despite the tension in the room.

Akash's shock was palpable as he exchanged a glance with Mr. Aansh, uncertainty clouding his features. Renuka's next words only heightened the tension as she made a solemn declaration: she would disclose the information to Felix only if everyone in the facility survived the night, particularly her son, Adharv.

Felix accepted the deal, saying, "That's the deal, then," as he acknowledged the terms set by Renuka.

Renuka instructed Felix, "Be ready with your men; they are coming."

Felix swiftly reached for his walkie-talkie and contacted his team.

In the midst of these preparations, Akash Sharma discreetly conveyed his objections to Renuka regarding the deal with Felix. He was reluctant to share information, but Renuka responded, emphasizing that the deal's significance hinged on surviving the night and achieving victory. The outcome, she emphasized, could either lead to order or complete chaos.

At that moment, Mr. Aansh received crucial information from the control room regarding Adharv. Without hesitation, he relayed it to Renuka and Akash Sharma: "Adharv was found unconscious inside the lift from area H."

Upon hearing this alarming news, Renuka Sharma was overcome with fear. Without wasting a moment, they rushed to check on her son's condition. Renuka urgently requested Felix to accompany them.

Mr. Aansh informed them that Adharv was currently undergoing primary treatment with Dr. Tyler. Upon their arrival, they found Adharv lying unconscious in bed, receiving treatment. Concerned, Renuka Sharma approached Dr. Tyler, inquiring about her son's condition.

"Doctor, please tell me, is my son going to be okay? Will he regain consciousness soon?" Renuka anxiously asked.

Dr. Tyler reassured her, saying, "Adharv is stable, and there's nothing to worry about. He should regain consciousness shortly."

Relieved by the doctor's words, Renuka immediately turned to her husband, insisting, "We need to move Adharv from this place."

However, Akash Sharma hesitated, responding, "There's still time."

Renuka, overcome with emotion, retorted, "You know who is coming. Adharv is our only son, and I won't let anything happen to him this time. We need to get him as far away from this place as possible before everything gets worse."

Akash Sharma swiftly ordered Mr. Aansh to oversee Adharv's transportation, instructing him to arrange for a chopper with Theodore's assistance.

Meanwhile, Felix, who was present, found himself perplexed by the sudden turn of events. Just moments ago, Renuka Sharma had struck a deal with him regarding her son's safety, and now she was adamant about getting him out of there.

As Dr. Tyler made arrangements for Adharv's transfer, Marco arrived to speak with Felix. Providing an update, Marco informed Felix, "Sir, as per your instructions, we've bolstered security at each entrance, and our teams are stationed strategically throughout the facility. All personnel have been safely evacuated to the secure room."

Impressed, Felix commended Marco, saying, "Great job, Marco. Let everyone know to stay vigilant. We're anticipating an attack at any moment."

However, Marco's next words sent a chill through the room. "Sir, about that... Five minutes ago, our men stationed at each entrance reported sightings of a massive fox, approximately eight feet tall, lurking near the facility."

Renuka Sharma's shock was palpable as she absorbed Marco's alarming report. Turning to Felix with urgency in her voice, she reminded him of their agreement, emphasizing the importance of protecting her son. "Felix, you must keep your end of the deal. Adam is coming... is coming for jewels. It's up to you and  your men now."

Felix nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I won't let anything happen to Adharv," he assured her, his tone resolute. "I will do whatever it takes to keep him safe."

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