Unoffical agreement

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" Are they trying to cover up Jewels' death, Adharav wondered. Why would they do that? something about what's happening isn't right. Everything is a mess. If he could talk with the doctor he might get some answer to this.

Adharv went to see the surgeons who led Jewels' surgery. From the enquiry centre, he got the details of the doctor included in jewels surgery. Dr Victor was the one who led the surgery. The women in the encounter told him where he could see the doctor.

The doctor wasn't in his room. On asking the nurse there Adharv found out, that the doctor is in a meeting with the management. This triggered something in Adharv's mind. He waited until the doctor returned. As he entered the doctor's cabin he saw the doctor sitting there tensed.
The doctor mistook Adharv for some other's patient relative.

"Please sit down, said the doctor.
Adharv sat on the chair. He immediately asked the doctor about Jewels and what further procedures he need to do to get Jewels' bodies.

The doctor became dizzy. He raised his voice and said, " I would call security if you won't get out of my room.
From the doctor's behaviour, Adharv confirmed his assumptions were correct. But the doctor was stern with his decision. He wants Adharv to leave his office right now.  Adharv stood up and walked towards the door and closed it quickly. Victor got frightened he stood up from his chair in fear. Adharv grabbed the sharp scissors from the table, poked the doctor on his chest and pointed the scissors to victor's eye and threatened him." I will pierce this thing to your eye if you don't say the truth.  Victor got scared, he was trembling with fear." I will tell you everything. please let me leave I have a family. Victor begged for mercy.

Adharv moved back. Victor started to say the things that happened during the surgery.

" When I arrived for the surgery everyone there was in astonishment. The girl's condition was improving with time. Like her body was healing itself. The wounds she had, faded. Her body ejected the bullets inside her. That is something I have never seen.

"What are you saying, Adharav interrupted the doctor's story as he couldn't believe what he was saying.

"What I am saying is the truth, it might appear to be something impossible but I have seen it with my own eyes. While we were checking her vitals and metabolic activities, two of our senior doctors came with a message from the management.
' What was that message, asked Adharv.
" The management wanted us to lie to you that she is dead and also to tranquilise her, she needs to be transported.

Dr. Victor's shocking revelation about Jewelz's condition left Adharv in disbelief. The idea that her body had seemingly healed itself and ejected bullets was beyond comprehension. However, Adharv knew that something extraordinary had happened to her, and it was directly connected to Metalife's secretive actions.

The mention of the management's orders to lie about Jewelz's death and transport her under sedation only deepened the mystery. Adharv's determination to uncover the truth intensified. He had come too far to back down now.

Adharv leaned in closer to Dr. Victor, his voice trembling with a mix of anger and fear. "Who are these senior doctors, and why are they doing this to her?" he demanded.

Victor, still visibly shaken, hesitated for a moment before answering. "I don't know their names, but they are powerful figures within Metalife. They ordered us to cooperate, and we were told that it was in the company's best interest. We were just following orders."

Adharv knew he had to find out more, and his mind was racing with questions. "Where did they take Jewelz? What is Metalife's real agenda here?"

Victor lowered his head, struggling with his decision to share more information. "I can't be sure, but I overheard them mentioning an underground facility. They said something about 'Project AE.' I don't know the details, but it sounded ominous."

Adharv thanked Victor for the information and told him to stay quiet about their conversation. With a sense of urgency, he left the doctor's office. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly coming together, and it was clear that he needed to find this underground facility and rescue Jewelz.

As Adharv ventured deeper into the Metalife Research Facility, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was stepping into a web of secrets and danger. The path ahead was fraught with uncertainty, but he was determined to uncover the truth and save Jewelz, no matter the cost.

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